World 3 Differences

[Update: Fixed head bumping and slash sounds. You guys need to have my back, I usually upload builds when I’m quite sleep deprived 😛 ]

Work on World 3 continues! Besides what I’ve been uploading to the Sneak Peek, I’ve been able to finish a lot of animations that were planned but not completed in time for FPA on consoles.

For the console, we had a very specific goal: to make a unique FPA game for home consoles that couldn’t have been done in Flash. Multiplayer was the biggest focus, along with a few new levels and game modes crated with 4 players in mind. Because of this focus, along with the fact that it’s far more difficult to get animations into the console engine than it is in Flash, there are going to be a few differences between the Flash World 3 and FPA for consoles. I can focus a lot more on animation and little details this time around, and even more importantly, I can do a lot more cheating since there will only be one player on the screen at at a time.

Can you tell?

hmmmmm pondering

Flash yoink


(Sneak Peek updated again, can y’all check it out on to make sure it’s actually working right? I need some sleep…)


  1. slickrick

    Woot! First comment!!! Also I didn’t comment here in like forever. I’ve been secretly spying. Hehe. Nice to see things going, great job Brad. Keep up the good work. 🙂

  2. KCYF

    Why are people always wanting to be first?
    Well Brad, glad to see that you are at your peak of making World 3. Hmm……the differences? Well, I guess in the flash version there will be a lot more things that FPM can do?

  3. WJUK

    That was actually one of my gripes with the console version, the cut-scene where CPG gets kidnapped looked bad compared to everything else in the game.


    Brad, in the, the replay isnt available, and i found a really odd glitch, (i believe this happened somewhere else in the sneak peek as well which you fixed) that is if you try to go up the yellow tower with oil, you sorta flip to get to the right side, but i got stuck, and i am in the falling position, with him not moving. also one more glitch, if you try to go OVER the yellow building and try to get to the door near it, theres some hidden barrier that stops you from getting over.

    i have had that happen many times.. i dont know why i didnt bring that up!!

    but still, cool!

  5. next one

    I was really looking forward to 2/3/4 player, and I really hope it will happen. I’ve played the ps3 game single player, and I think 2 is more fun. At least make it singleplayer first, and then make it 2/3/4 player if possible.

    Next one

  6. Auad

    @Brad!!! Glitch found!
    When you run slowly to the edge of a ground,FPM grabs the edge and stays there, but when he does it, his body disappear!!!

    (probably you just don’t finished the animation yet but, who knows..)

  7. Pencilmaster

    @Brad: You must add some pencil tricks in the science room. Oh yeah, and you must fix it a bit, because it got glitchier.

    And check out my website, I have left a good word on the blog for you there!

  8. smileylover

    Pinball glitch! The bats turn into spiders when you kill them, and when you hit them with flying pencil attacks they turn into spiders also, but they become part of the background.

  9. next one

    look at this relplay in the snailshell level!:


  10. pompos2

    @Brad:That i really loved in pinball room is the zoom out experience.It gives you the illusion that the room is too big.Keep the good work at World 3!
    @Everyone else:How do i make the colors appear blue at my name when i comment?Do i have to create a hyperlink at my name?

    • TheSecretUserGame

      Hi! im new sort of. i come from the forum. Im a secret user, that has a different user everytime im guessed who i am (on the forum game)


      you need to go to the place where you can change your password and information

      and look at your profile.

      then find the area where it says contact info, then go to website. type in your (or a) website.

      save changes (at bottom)

      then Voila!

  11. 3Radishes

    what happened to the clip when fpm runs into a wall? he just stops now.
    Also are you fixing up the ledge hang clip? where he acts like there’s a vertical surface there even when there isn’t…

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