NYC Fancy Pants 2 player

So, I’m over in New York right now, and we just finished showing off 2 player FPA in Fancy Pants Man’s second EA Showcase (FPA for console was announced at the first).

We had a round of press play a round of co-op through Squiggleville. The response has been incredible, warms my heart to see how many old-school platformer fans are out there! Keep an eye on the onlines, there should be some impressions going live tomorrow or so, I’ll try to link to what I can find here, too.

I hate hyping you guys up and not having anything to show for it, I’m going to scrounge around a bit and try to find some new images or something…

But yes, I can finally talk about console co-op (two Fancy Pants Mans (men?) ) ! Should make the next few reports even more interesting 🙂

(races are super fun, btw)

Impressions incoming!



A huge thanks to Stephen Totilo for the great write up (once again the comments are staggering to read!).


Cira’s Lyrics

Impressions are pretty far down, but it’s really cool to see the events surrounding the event. It’s easy to wonder what everyone was doing there, heh.

38 Watch

If anyone finds more impressions from the event before I do, please post them in the comments below! Exciting! 😀

Pictures until I finish editing and dubbing the next report, after the jump:

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    @applewarrior: lol, i have to do this. DONT TALK TO ME MR. GREEN!!! IM DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR STUPID NAMES FOR ME!!! lol. :mrgreen:

    @brad: true!! 😀 thats what i love MOST. lol, sorry about that, its just a fun thing we do (apple warrior and me) when we think theres a moment necessary!! and… well we really cant tell you what we think of the games multiplayer, because we dont really know anything, except the stuff we have reported with mr. green and mr. red!! lolololollol. ooh, and nice pics!! 😀 😛 :mrgreen: i love the ones where fancy pants’ are kicking eachother!!!! 😀

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