Lego City, First Impression

“Chase, Chase McCane”

“Chase McCane! You’re a legend!”

….. Well I’ve never heard of him! Hmph

By demand (from one person, I’m a pushover) I’m going to post my thoughts on this new Lego game. Disclaimer, I have only heard of the Lego games, I have never actually played one. It’s not because I thought they looked extremely childish (I’m all about extremely childish), they’ve just always been overshadowed by other games that have been released.

I do know that my cousin, Sarah, was a big fan of at least one of them. She’s a massive gamer, and one of the few opinions I’ll really listen to on gaming. She knows her stuff.

I rewatched the trailer to take a look at the mechanics. Brad had a few comments saying that a few people said it was a bit clunky. At first glance, I would say the controls look a bit clumsy.

HOWEVER! I kind of see what they’re trying to do. It’s a legoland, and let’s face it. Lego people aren’t going to run smoothly, they don’t have joints, and their footing comes from bumps on the environment. Seriously, have you ever tried to just balance lego people in random spots. It’s hard. Unless of course there are new fangled legos that are amazingly balanced and I’m just old.

I did laugh throughout the entire trailer, very rare for any type of game trailer. Let’s face it, most game comedy is kind of a roll the eyes, cheesy, did they really just say that, kind of humor. Listening to the dialogue on this though, it sounds like the random regurgitations of an actual gamer.

For instance, during a falling scene Chase McCain says (doing this by memory here) “Why was that even there?!”

That’s something I can imagine hearing Brad saying or knowing I would say something like that. How many times have any of you, as gamers, yelled:




Yes I had to use all caps because half the time by this point I’d be off the couch pointing a finger at the TV scolding the developer I think can hear me.

Then there are the throwback scenes with the Matrix and the Mario pipe building. It’s pretty hilarious to watch a legoman frantically building something. It’s a bit “haha he’s building using legos in a lego game as a lego man” just don’t think too much about it because you might get all philosophical and just lose your head.

I’ll give the game this. This is the first lego game I saw a trailer for and went “I think I could like this game.”

The use of the Wii U is good too. It offers a nice kind of introductory into what it can do. I’m curious as to how it will actual handle, but it’ll definitely offer some nice practice.

This might be the first Lego game I purchase, it’s the first one I’ve had interest in purchasing. I think mostly because I don’t feel like it’s actually riding the coattails of another game. I mean when you have to decide between Arkham Asylum and Lego Batman, what are you going to pick? Although I’m sure that Lego has put out a few games that are much better than their more “real life” counterparts.

I’m going to play the demo of Lego Batman. I’ll probably eat crow for thinking that these games are more “kid centric” just because of the way they look. Now I just sound like the general masses.

We’ll see…

I might just have to bang my head against the wall a few times…

If all Lego games are like this then WHY HAS NO ONE TOLD ME ABOUT THIS BEFORE!?!?

Bah. Go ahead, berate me.


  1. Random Comments

    Lego Star Wars III is really good. (and a word of warning: Most LEGO games don’t have talking characters. some silly idea that plastic toys can’t talk. instead they grunt. which can be kind of funny. the new ones are all going for spoken dialogue, though. 🙁 )

  2. Himynameis****

    hey brad what’s up i believe we have spoken before about pencil-in-demo issue if you don’t remember that’s fine i just wanted to inform you that lego games are really a heck-of-a-lot-of-fun after reading this (first impression) post i thought i should give you the heads up well talk to ya later by brad

  3. Himynameis****

    hey brad what’s up i believe we have spoken before about pencil-in-demo (fancy pats 3) issue if you don’t remember that’s fine i just wanted to inform you that lego games are really a heck-of-a-lot-of-fun after reading this (first impression) post i thought i should give you the heads up well talk to ya later by brad

  4. Himynameis****

    hey brad what’s up i believe we have spoken before about pencil-in-demo issue if you don’t remember that’s fine i just wanted to inform you that lego games are really a heck-of-a-lot-of-fun after reading this (first impression) post i thought i should give you the heads up well talk to ya later bye brad.

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