Category: The Fancy Pants Adventures

Time For Some Fun

Quick Update:
Just wanted to give everyone a quick update. I’ve been going between actually trying to finish World 3 and making things for the Sneak Peek lately, today I finally make some code that will compress those crazy long replay arrays, which I wanted to do before pushing out another version of the Sneak Peek. I changed a ton of the collision since, so I wanted to makes replays easier to pass around before uploading a build that I’ll probably need to debug some more.

I haven’t added any baddies to the beta since last upload, but I’ll probably throw a few more in before the big update. We’ll actually be at 40k Likes / Follows pretty soon (I seriously wasn’t expecting that to happen this soon, thank you everyone!), so the public Sneak Peek update is going to have 2 big additions to it. There’s a few things that I’ve been touching up on my side that I’ll point out, too, so it’s a pretty substantial update coming out.

I still don’t think I’ve taken enough advantage of the fact that I really can just upload stuff that I’m working on for everyone to see, so I’m going to try to show off some more behind the curtains things that will actually be playable, that should be pretty cool too.

tl;dr: I’ve gotten a good amount done on actually advancing World 3, so I’m going to be doing some more work on the Sneak Peek this week. Fun times for all!

Talk to everyone soon!

Update 6:
Lots of bug fixes, keep sending those bugged out arrays, guys, I can’t tell you how much they help!

I’m at the point where I have to start working on World 3 again, so once we all debug this version, I’ll get a baddie room up in the main Sneak Peek build. That means I won’t be able to spend as much time putting baddies in, so it might take me awhile. Mostly depends on how awesome it is and how much work it would be, so make sure you fool my fla guide!

Again, don’t put replays in the comments! Email them!

Thanks again to everyone, you’re beyond awesome

(might need to empty your cache)

Fixes to the Parrot, a few more enemies, enemies all cycle once before going random, plus everything else:

Here’s where it gets fun, for me at least. Now that I have enough baddie mass to really stress test the gameplay, I started going through and making actual tweaks to how FPM controls. Here’s the list of the latest changes, please leave feedback in the comments!

– FPM runs bit faster while holding pencil, feels less sluggish, but there’s still a contrast
– Much larger reach with the charged attacks, give you another reason to fully charge them
– Changed the deceleration, shouldn’t run into baddies as easily if you miss
– Can change directions while poking, or while doing the 3 hit combo
– Gave the attack hits on all baddies a red tint, better feedback.
– Separated stomped and hit clips, so stomping something doesn’t turn it red
– Some fixes to the Parrots, but I think they still don’t work quite right… Should work next (this) time

Now, I’m not making these changes specifically to make the game easier, but, the game should start feeling better and control more intuitively, so keep an eye on your high scores, they should be going up.

Let me know if there’s anything that still feels wrong, like if you get hurt when you think you shouldn’t, or don’t hit a baddie when you think you should. I need to add the replay system back in so you can just send me a replay when something ‘wrong’ happens.

If you guys can send me baddies that aren’t really animated, I can just give them springy type animation routines, should be able to tell what I mean if you play the beta long enough.

Baddie Beta

Original Post:

Sheesh, it sure has been quiet around here, hasn’t it? So then, what’s been going on? Well, I’ve been working on World 3 again (remember, FPA on console was made by an entire team, we didn’t just charge you for a Flash game!), but I’ve also been keeping an eye on the XBLA and PSN games. The main reason you guys haven’t really heard from me lately, PSN’s been down, and well, we can’t really plan for the future until we a firm grasp on how sales are going. PSN’s finally back up (and FPA’s on sale for 5 bucks!), but it’ll still be awhile until we know how we did.

I have been reading all of the reviews, though, and one thing that I think is really disappointing is, well, a lot of reviewers don’t seem to really like combat. So my plan was to tighten it up for the World 3 release. But that’s pretty boring, so here’s where you guys come in.

Make me stuff to beat up! I’m gonna be testing combat, and I’m tired of beating up spiders!

Yep! I’ll go ahead and add a baddie room to the Sneak Peek for hitting over 30k Likes plus Follows, and you guys can help keep me amused. I’ll start us out with some ninjas, and I’ll leave the rest up to everyone else!

Once that’s in there, I’d love your help debugging combat, comparing it with the console version, and letting me know what works, or what needs to be fixed still. I’ve been tweaking it a bit already, so we’ll see how much more work needs to be done.

Here’s how this is going to work:

Download this file (you might need to right click, save as). It should be Flash 8 now, anyone want to confirm it works? You can download a demo of Flash at

Actually, if you want to avoid the stupid Akamai downloader, just get the trial here (I swear, if Adobe has the option to do something easily or stupidly, they’ll choose stupidly every single time).

If you’re using CS5.5, though, please do a file, save as, and send me a CS5 fla, please!

Replace the spider’s individual clips with your own art, and rename all the ‘spider’s to something unique.

Email it back.

Play the Sneak Peek online, beat up tons of random baddies!

Tell me how the combat feels.

A few guidelines:

Don’t send me other people’s art, without their permission. This includes Nintendo’s and SEGA’s, so don’t just send me sprites, or anything that breaks someone’s copyright (your own parody art is fine).

Nothing vulgar, and nothing boring!

I don’t claim to own anyone else’s art, it’s just all in good fun, and just for the demo. I won’t be using any art for financial gain (other than helping to spread the word about FPA on console), and I’m not planning on using anything in World 3.

I’ll let everyone know when the first round is up. I haven’t uploaded anything yet, though. I’m going to try to make a video about it tomorrow, if you’re not sure how to edit the fla, I should have something in there for ya.

TL,DR: Testing combat is boring, help me out!

Comments Time For Some Fun

Welcome Back Sale!

Just a quick heads up before I actually start posting again following the two months of post launch silence. If you’re still holding out, The Fancy Pants Adventures is on sale for 5 bucks on PSN as part of EA’s own Welcome Back program for Playstation Plus members (brotip: Sony’s giving out a free month of PSPlus as part of the original welcome back package). Sale ends on the 21st, so tell your friends!

Not a bad deal, eh?

(just to clarify, US Store only, I believe)

Comments Welcome Back Sale!

Checking in

Not too much to report, I’m afraid. So we’re launched on XBLA, but we won’t really know how everything is going until PSN is back online. What timing, eh?

Oh, and my 360 decided to start freezing up. Not red ringing, just freezing randomly. So that’s lovely…

But, on a lighter note, I’m pretty eager to get back to working on World 3, so I’ll probably make a wrap up video once PSN goes back online, then go back to the World 3 reports.

I’ll be adding a few more things to the Sneak Peek as progress is made on World 3. I have a few ideas to involve everyone online in some shenanigans, which I’ve been wanting to do for awhile, so we’ll see how that turns out.

Oh yeah, and we have forums! There’s some things that I’m more inclined to post about in the forums than on the site itself, so if you want a peek into more behind the scenes-y stuff (or just listening to me geek out about video games), that’s your best bet.

Comments Checking in

Pencil in Sneak Peek

Happy Easter!

Update: New build up, Snail should be working well enough, it might freeze up if you whack it around enough, I’ll take a look at that later.

Don’t worry about bugs just yet, I was trying to get the pencil in there soon as I could, and I’ve been kinda sick since launch (I think my body shut down once the game was finally out!), but, I’ll be going through it in the next few days.

Try playing the Sneak Peek at, if it still hasn’t updated yet, I gueeessssss you can play it here (but you might need to just clear your cache).

The combat is probably the most different thing between the console and Flash games, I’d like to hear what everyone things about the differences, which one feels better and all that.

Head’s still all stuffed up still, posts about the, well, game launching, coming later.

Comments Pencil in Sneak Peek

Thumb Twiddling


(Just to clarify, I’m in the US, don’t know when it’s hitting for everyone else)

So here we are. Tomorrow is PSN launch, XBLA right after. Can’t say I’ve ever had so much of my future riding on one game before. I’d be a lot more nervous, but I spent a good deal of time today playing around with online. 4 player platforming, no lag, it’s absolutely incredible. King of the Hill matches feel amazing. I’m not sure what Over the Top did to pull off this online wizardry, but I’m blown away by how well it works.

Of course, there’s a lot more to the game than online King of the Hill, and I’m still amazed by the excitement I’m seeing online for the game. We made the best game that we possibly could, so now all I can do is cross my fingers. I don’t think any fans of the original Flash games (hey that’s you guys!) will be disappointed, I’m super proud that we were able to keep the spirit of the Flash games, while still giving way more content than any 10 dollar game has a right to.

To celebrate, I’ll be hopping online for some King of the Hill and Races on the PS3 on Tuesday, and on the 360 on Wednesday. Hmm, wonder if that old Bluetooth headset still works… I’m DrNeroCF on both, see you guys online!

Just don’t forget to play through the Story at your own pace later on, there’s plenty to see and do on that side, too. And I want to see everyone online decked out in crazy accessory combinations, so you’ll have to play some Story mode to earn those!

And I have no idea when exactly the game will be up on PSN, but I promise the wait is worse for me than for you!

(Please don’t ask about Wii or Steam versions in the comments, we hear ya! ๐Ÿ˜› )

Comments Thumb Twiddling

Last Trip!

On a plane, last trip before launch, you know what that means!

(old Update)

So I’m at EA’s headquarters at the moment, talking about the future of FPA (daunting!). If anyone wants to pipe in about what other platforms FPA should hit (don’t lie, I know you all do!), now’s the best time to do it.

(new Update)

Yep, I’m in London right now, this is the last big push before launch! Getting the game in the hands of a lot of very awesome people, and the response has been even more incredible than before, I really don’t know what else to say.

We have one more day, then you should be getting a nice little flood of infos ๐Ÿ˜‰

Then, well, you know what happens after that ๐Ÿ˜€

(and don’t spam up my comments, plz, go make a thread in the forum ๐Ÿ˜› )

Comments Last Trip!

KotH gameplay 2 & 3

Just having some more fun with King of the Hill! I gotta say, King of the Hill is easily one of my favorite new features in the game. Four player online or local, adds an insane amount of gameplay value!

Gotta cut myself off here, or I’m going to accidentally spill everything I was going to put in that next Report that I’ve been meaning to finish recording.

Speaking of which, there’s a video I still have to dub and upload!

Comments KotH gameplay 2 & 3

KotH gameplay 1

Hey everyone, I wanted to quickly post some good quality King of the Hill footage. We’re back home again, we’ll be starting the steady stream of awesomeness back up.

Anyone worried about button 30k for the pencil, don’t be! We’ll be doing our part by posting stuff worth talkin about, and you guys can do your part by sending it along the tubes by commenting on it, or liking it, or passing it on however you can.

So to start us off, a mini epic battle!

On Facebook


On Twitter

And of course, of there’s anything you want to see in particular, speak up in the comments.

Comments KotH gameplay 1

PAX East, King of the Hill!

Sorry I wasn’t able to give you guys a better heads up, but we’re over at PAX East right now, showing off a new competitive multiplayer mode, King of the Hill!

How does KotH work in a platformer? Quite well, actually!


What’s this? Still more new content? ๐Ÿ˜€

I’ll get you guys some footage and more pics once I get to a real Internet connection.

Comments PAX East, King of the Hill!

No. 2 Combat

Update! Lots have been updated in the Sneak Peek since this post was made, the banner just haven’t been updated! Make sure to check out the latest posts on this site for all the latest news!

You guys want to try out some mighty pencil combat in the Sneak Peek, I want some more Facebook Likes and Twitter Follows.

Would be nice to get some practice in before taking on those jerk pirates, no?

cross swords

So, here’s the deal. If / when we hit 30,000 Likes and Follows put together, I’ll add the pencil, and everyone can start slicing away.

Currently at 8,660, but we’re climbing at a nice pace. Tell everyone you know! Heck, click on both yourself!

If we hit it soon, just think what else I could add to the Sneak Peek for a few more Likes / Follows ; )

Comments No. 2 Combat

Sneak Peek Maintenance

Finally get some time to work on the Sneak Peek. It seems like a lot of code accidentally carried over from my debug build for the public release of the demo, but a lot of players have been great in helping me find bugs that are far more difficult to locate.

I’ve gone through the simpler bugs, but I’ll be working on getting the engine nice and clean a bit longer. In the meantime, I’ll keep everyone updated on the Sneak Peek page that I just made, I’ll update the bug list once I have all the versions uploaded. There were a few bugs there were fixed for the public release, too, actually, like the green building not fading when you entered from the bottom, and the Snailshell making a bumping noise when it was up against a wall.

But what everyone really wants me to update is the pencil, right ๐Ÿ˜€ Well I will, on one condition, and I’ll tell y’all about that once I have the bugs fixed ๐Ÿ˜‰

Comments Sneak Peek Maintenance

Coverage from EA’s GDC Event Incoming!

I’ll be linking here as I find them, feel free to link to anything I’ve missed in the comments:

GDC Trailer at IGN

Escapist Interview

Great interview, a little light on gameplay footage, but you get to see what I actually do at these events! Tim from EA2D makes an appearance, also at 2:28. Look closely, 4 player Snailshell Golf is being played in the background!

GameStop Interview

I should have a catchphrase…

GameSpot Preview

A great preview, but Shaun seems to believe that Fancy Pants Man’s original orange pants aren’t so fancy! At least not compared to all the great textured pants you can earn later on!

IGN Preview

Another great preview from longtime Fancy Pants fan Hilary Goldstein. Click to check out his impressions of 4 player Snailshell Golf!

Comments Coverage from EA’s GDC Event Incoming!