World 3 Report 3

Woot! We’re 3 for 3! This one went pretty well on the first go, so I didn’t have to redub this, hopefully it sounds a little more natural than the first 2, and hopefully that that’s actually a good thing.

A little less to show off in this one, I’m more looking for feedback this time around, so fire away!

(by feedback I mean what you think of everything in video, not new ideas, trust me I have too many ideas as it is :P)

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The World Ends With You

This game made up for my disappointment with Spirit Tracks. Brad has been trying to get me to play this game for a while now, but I always found another game to play instead. I finally relented and I will never regret it. Sadly, this game was a limited release and not heavily advertised. Sounds reminiscent of . . . let’s see . . . Okami?
I will not say I put this game up on the same pedestal as Okami, but it’s definitely one of my FAVORITE DS games.

Forewarning, this game does have a bit of language in it. Not harsh language, but I’m not suggesting this for anyone under the age of . . . 12? It’s mild language, I don’t know how ratings go nowadays, they’ve become a bit less strict since I was young. Sooo I’m going by MY experience, because I’m a genius and all. (right . . . ) Anyway! Back to the game!
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Database stuff

First step to trying to clean up this site in anticipation for World 3 is to get the stupid forum and WordPress database thing working properly. Apparently the forum was running off an older database that I don’t think I’m even intentionally hosting anymore. Switched everything over, but I had to pick between the two user lists. I went with the Forum list, so if you’ve been registered on the my blog for over a year, that name should still be there (and should have always worked with the blog and the forum), but if you’ve registered for the blog more recently, you’ll have to register again. Unless you’re also registered on the forums, then you should now be able to use that name on the blog also.

Cookies are saved between the two now, so if you’re logged into one, you’ll be logged into the other. Post subscriptions shouldn’t be affected, though (need to overhaul that email though, definitely).

So, if your blog account doesn’t work anymore, use your forum account, if you don’t have a forum account, you’ll have to make a new blog account (sorry).

Anyways, next Progress Report scheduled for this Friday (and hopefully every Friday after that). And no I still don’t know when World 3 is going to be released 😛

Got some really neat new stuff for the next video though 😀

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GDC 10′

Gonna be heading up to GDC in San Francisco soon. Don’t know if that means I’ll be posting more or less for the week, heh. I’ll try and keep you guys updated if anything interesting happens. If anyone here is awesome and going to be there, let me know!

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World 3 Progress Report 1

Hopefully this is the first in a series of progress reports on World 3. I know I never post as much info about the development of World 3 as I’d like to, so I’m going to make an effort to consistently post updates on development. Hopefully I’ll be able to make these on a weekly basis.

To start off, we have:

– Advanced pencil combat and movement techniques.
– What exists so far of the sword fighting pirate baddie.
– Combat with flying enemy concept
– First video of Squiggleville 🙂

Next video should be much more interesting, got a few things I’m working on that hopefully everyone will like.

View the video from YouTube to watch it in HD!

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Question . . .


Sorry for being so absent as of late; with removing wallpaper and painting + refinishing floors my time has been limited. Please do not be angry with me *whimper*

I just wanted to ask all of you a question, please answer in any way you see fit (rant, outlined format, etc). Brad and I are attending GDC this year and there is a panel that’s addressing “Are Girls the New Hardcore Gamers?” Brad has issues, as do I, with the term “hardcore.” I, personally, do not consider myself a hardcore gamer. I lean more towards the retro historical aspect of games and most of my experiences are directly effected by my previous experiences. I do not sit down and for five hours straight perfect my Halo technique, although I believe L4D2 and Uncharted 2 could potentially suck me in rather easily (one of the reasons I’m afraid to start playing them, hah)

So what do you consider “hardcore”?
AND do you believe that people tend to be more loose on the application of the term “hardcore” when it comes to girls?
Don’t be worried about making comments “too long” I really want to know what y’all think.
(and please don’t be worried about offending me)
Thx guys =)

Edit: Love the comments, I have another question to add on inspired by the comments. Are you more likely to avoid going after someone who identifies herself as female (to go easy on her in a fight), have you seen this happen?

It would make a bit of sense, I know that I had to knock a few males down before they took me seriously in different male dominated pastimes. However, I had a tendency to go easier when I was playing against girls because I was afraid I’d hurt them.


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Zelda: Spirit Tracks

I will say, first off, that anyone who says this game is better then Phantom Hourglass better check their water system because something in there is affecting their brain. While a decent game, Spirit Tracks is in no way better then Phantom Hourglass. I know that a lot of reviews claim that it is, I began to question my own view of this game because so many reviews were all gung ho about it, then I talked to someone else who was currently playing the game and they agreed. So I felt much better about my stance.
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Pencil Teaser!

Remember, it’s just a teaser! There’s no baddies yet that actually take advantage of the combat, and very limited audio, but I wanted you guys to be able to check out the bunch of animation I’ve been working on for way too long now.

Sometimes you just gotta go a-stompin’…


Video Q&A (to make this easier on me, gonna try and answer the more general questions here):

How does sheathing the pencil work?

– He does it automatically during normal levels, after running a bit, or jumping. No separate button, but for now, ducking forces a sheath.

Does this mean that old levels are getting redone for World 3

– Maybe, maybe not, I just still like the first level of the first world of FPA, haha. Soooo much better with the newer physics, too.

Should FPA carrying the pencil on his back instead of it disappearing?

– Probably, I’ll have to do some tests, as long as it’s not distracting.

Is there a separate key for using the pencil?

– Yeah, it’s A or D right now. All the moves are done by either tapping or holding one of them. So it’s only one button, just set to either of those right now.

Can the ricochet scratches hit other enemies?

– They better, would be a wasted opportunity if they didn’t 😀 Might have to fiddle with the trajectory to make that easier.

Parts that take specific advantage of the pencil? / Many baddie sections

– Absolutely.

Bring back those hideous and terribly drawn flying dog / dragon things from World 1!

– I really should, huh? Man, those were embarrassing…

Will there be a running attack?

– There certainly should be, there isn’t one animated now, though.

XBox Live and/or PSN?

– I’d sure love to. But yeah, that’s a full port there. Regardless, I want World 3 to be as good if not better than most games that come out on either of those services 😀

Separate post on pencil fencing?

– Nope! Hence the magic of the edit button! Love you honey! ; )

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Who knows if anyone actually cares about a review of the movie, but since it’s broken all box office records and finally topped “Titanic” as the top grossing film, I figure it was worth an article.

I have one main complaint about the film, and it’s not even about the film itself, it’s about the man who made it. I hate, HATE it when people make a movie all about their politics. I would like to simply go watch a movie and just not THINK about it, I want to take away from the movie what I think, not think about what someone else meant it to be. It’s one of the big pet peeves I have with certain English teachers as well . . . or Literature professors, they like to take their interpretation and force it on their students. I’ve experienced this several times and it drives me absolutely mad. I’ve also taken lower grades because of it. Yes, my professors have written in their notes that my personal interpretation is “wrong.” I’m not sure how a personal interpretation can be “wrong”, but whatever.
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Happy ’10!

Should be a good year for Fancy Pants Man!

Rural Squiggleville. I’m still experimenting the exact graphic style of World 3, so this is still pretty rough, but I’d love to get some early feedback from everyone out there. The idea is to refine the style and art, but keep everything looking handdrawn, which is no where near as easy to do as I had hoped it would be. I know I’m a much better animator than background artist, but hey, might as well try, right?

And remember, that’s 5 independently scrolling backgrounds there, just like in the swimming videos. Far more work, but I’d say the parallax effect is worth it.


Squiggleville Mark III:

Flash PlayerScreenSnapz003

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Answer . . .

(The post I was talking about in “Ridiculous” that I was almost finished with)

Okay, first, I THINK I am almost finished with Spirit Tracks so expect a review on that soon. Of course, we all know Zelda, you always have that “Yay! I beat it!” then the game slaps you in your face and you realize you have another 450 hours of game play left! Joy!

Someone asked in the comments if I had an issue with “Disney” . . . that’s kind of a loaded question for me, it would probably be the same for Brad. If any of you ever sat in on one of mine and Brad’s conversations over a meal or just in general, we’re almost always talking about animation (Brad’s big thing) or music (one of my big things). Unfortunately it always ends up turning to what Disney has become.

I took a trip to Disneyworld maybe two years ago with Brad and his family. I absolutely loved spending time with Brad and walking around the park but NONE of it echoed my childhood. There were Finding Nemo rides and a new Toy Story one, BUT I was excited to see that they had a Muppet show that they did. Otherwise, it was just a bit depressing, it took me the entire week to find Chip and Dale, two of my favorite Disney characters, staples of my childhood. Even Brad was a bit upset to see that some of his favorite parts of Disneyworld had been altered. We would go into toy stores and we’d see CGI Winnie the Pooh or some freaky Mickey Mouse interpretation. CGI Disney characters are weird and scary looking. I don’t think things that were obviously meant to be animated and 2d should be altered in any way, but Disney has to keep up with what’s “hip”
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