
So here’s a question for all of you.

If I would happen to make some Fancy Pants Man shirts, would you guys buy them?

If you really, really want to sport some FPA gear, here’s your chance to be really loud about it. Telling other people to comment in this thread if they’d want shirts too could also work…

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  1. styxtwo

    i am a one man spam army *looks evil*

    *me want t-shirt*

    btw what are your ideas on making t-shirts then, are you going to make them yourself or just design some stuff?

  2. rawcru

    Look Brad, i´ll be onest with ya bro(lol), see. i´m using your type of jokes. ayway, your game is cool but t-shirts are another level. really, if you want my opinion, i would ike to buy it, but it´s just too much marketing(lol). Hope you look deep in your heart(omg i don´t belive i´m saying this

  3. WJUK

    Ok, one thing I’ve learned. Shirts are awesome.

    But frankly, (at this current moment) I just don’t have the dough to spend on a shirt. Sorry dude. Living as a student is hard (but still so very very awesome).

    But if enough people agree then sure thing, go ahead. But unless, I win the lottery (or magically find enough money for an awesome shirt) you’ll have to count me out. Sorry Brad.

    Good luck to you anyway.

  4. Peeves

    HELLS YEA! Sell them on Ebay!
    Make him in a pose with his thumbs up saying “Be Fancy”

    So Awesome. I would wear that to school 😀

  5. teufelhunden

    i know that my brother and i would definitely buy a FPA shirt or two if they were made, whether they were in stores or online…

    online is probably the easiest way to advertise, and reach the most people….there are many fans of your work out there and i think that if this went and helped you out that a lot of your fans would also purchase shirts to support the artist.

  6. styxtwo

    download flash mx 2004 professional and look for some basic tutorials for AS2 on the internet. don’t expect to make an FPA-like game the first time you make a game. and ofcourse be original.

    thats all i can say 😉

  7. magelet

    oh, I totally would buy a shirt, as long as it was reasonably priced. not on ebay, but on like cafe press, totally!
    with orange fancy pants, not the new fangled colored ones from world two. not that I don’t love those, but for a fpa shirt, got to have orange. make a womens t shirt too, cause then, its just way cool, no body cool makes em, but we look hotter in tighter shirts 😛

  8. Ali-G

    Hey every1, i’m n3w here. i just w@nt3d 2 s@y that i really enj0y FPA alot

    @zymn: there are way hotter pics from tight shirts on the web:

    edit: Please do not post inappropriate links on the forum.

  9. tomato soup

    I would totally buy me some fancy pants
    Why didn’t anyone think of this sooner???
    Thanks for the idea.

  10. WJUK


    ‘# Gasstation Says:
    January 28th, 2008 at 3:32 pm

    No but I might buy some Fancy Pants pants.

    Long baggy flowing Orange pants.

    with a fancy logo on them.’

    Case closed.

  11. samusalfie

    Thank you for upholding my sugesstion on the Action Figures foodmansam. I think if Brad would make them, they would sell fast. He probably won’t though (Please Brad…. Pleeaasseeeee.):|

  12. xXFPAXx

    I would wear a fancy pants shirt that says “Why be realistic when you can be fancy” on it, also the icecream get picture idea was awesome

  13. lineplus

    Good idea!
    But it should perhaps creates a “pack” with a number of things, or add a dedication.
    Lineplus, a french fancy pants fan.
    PS:Sorry if the GOOGLE translation is bad.

  14. Ali-G

    If I can defend myself in this case:
    men have 8% more brains than women, and this part of the brain is being used to awaken the desire and make him think each 12 seconds at…
    you know…
    Can i say the little 3-letter word with an x at the end on these forums?

  15. UDisgracefulTurd

    i would probably buy the shirt BUT…
    what you should REALLY make are Fancy Pants in all the colors in the game
    i would buy those for sure 😀

  16. foodmansam

    Actually, i looked into it, and it was RIGHT after the beta came out…

    # Foodmansam Says:
    November 9th, 2007 at 4:45 pm

    hmmm…… i hope i get my name in the credits! I think there should be FPM Merchandise! like shirts. or even cool orange pants!

    Ah well…

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