So, I’m over in New York right now, and we just finished showing off 2 player FPA in Fancy Pants Man’s second EA Showcase (FPA for console was announced at the first).
We had a round of press play a round of co-op through Squiggleville. The response has been incredible, warms my heart to see how many old-school platformer fans are out there! Keep an eye on the onlines, there should be some impressions going live tomorrow or so, I’ll try to link to what I can find here, too.
I hate hyping you guys up and not having anything to show for it, I’m going to scrounge around a bit and try to find some new images or something…
But yes, I can finally talk about console co-op (two Fancy Pants Mans (men?) ) ! Should make the next few reports even more interesting π
(races are super fun, btw)
Impressions incoming!
A huge thanks to Stephen Totilo for the great write up (once again the comments are staggering to read!).
Impressions are pretty far down, but it’s really cool to see the events surrounding the event. It’s easy to wonder what everyone was doing there, heh.
If anyone finds more impressions from the event before I do, please post them in the comments below! Exciting! π
Pictures until I finish editing and dubbing the next report, after the jump:
Co-op multiplayer? Is this for the main campaign or just a separate mode? Either way, seems interesting.
Oh, if this’ll be on XBLA and PSN what achievements/trophies can be unlocked, if any? Just a few ideas will suffice.
@fancypantsfan250: The entire story mode. But, there’s definitely more modes that are great in multiplayer. Like, hmm, have I talked about the Fancy Arcade yet? Maybe another time π
Can’t talk about the achievements just yet, they’re intertwined with some things we haven’t announced yet.
sorry! lolol.
Brad: Will there be a online multiplayer mode too? That would be awesome π
Btw Im new here π but I do know that triple post is a really bad thing, so im gonna try to avoid that, hehe XD
PS: Sorry for my bad english, if it was… π
@kcreator78: Well then welcome o newcomer!!! π π
yeah, triple post is horrible. i do it, but i only do it on waiting things, and i did when i was new.
@WJUK: I second that motion!! I think that playing halo reach is soooo much funner than alone sometimes.
so,thats what we waited for? or what whats going on
yeah, thats what we were waiting for fancyfanman! its awesome, right???
2 fancy pants mans?
or should it be fancy pants man and cutie pants? (probably not, she can’t run very fast, right?)
anyway, this will be awesome!!!!
i’m super looking forward
hey brad, just wanted to ask if you are going to put up anything soon on this. just curiosity taking the best of me!!
This will give FPM a chance to break out of one mold and fit into or form another mold, in player-dom.
Great NEWS – keep the reports coming. π
@KCreator78: lol. same here, except i passed a really really really REALLY big exam. with all stanine 9’s and an 8 (which is worth an A+ and an A) and another exam! So i got the xbox360. π
@Brad: just a question: are we going to be able to see (or use) the pencil anytime soon? or is there stuff that we have yet to see? hmm…
Are you still working on Fancy Pants 3?
When will be the next report?
That is AWESOME news. 2 Fancy men! Sounds like so much FUN! I’m totally ecstatic. I have to say, you keep outdoing yourself Brad with every game and this one sounds like it will be
E-P-I-C!!!!!!!!!! WOOP! XD π
cant wait to see what it will turn out to be like i have been waiting for a new FPA since the 2nd one came out and i heard the 3rd one would be coming out in may i am counting down the days π
is it going to be online as well as local?
@doodlebee: welcome o newcomer!!!
its impossible im waiting for report been waiting since last month its ridiculous u need to hav somethin to show for it a report or heres a thought tha game
its impossible im waiting for report been waiting since last month its ridiculous u need to hav somethin to show for it a report or heres a thought tha game that would be nice but wat do i no
Brad: When playing multipalyer mode, will there be a split screen, or will the 2 player have to follow 1 player around wherever he goes?
I guess the first one is he most obvious π
Just read article. AWESOME!
What if in co-op, it was fancy pants man, and Shmancy shirt/pants man or fancy pants’ cousin. Ah, what ever this game will be epic no matter what you do….Even if it had a cliff hanger ending (ggggr cliff hangers), it would be EPIC! FPA3FTW(Fancy Pants Adventures 3 for the win)
EDIT: nvm, i saw the article now…..Looks epic.
well, i may not have a xbox 360 or a playstation 3 but my freind has one and i can play it at his house
@brad: what if you made fancy pants man for kinect THAT would be epic
@AJ32 In the little side-bar thing there’s a link to an article, and it tells you more about the game and multiplayer mode.
Will there be a report soon?
Theres been over 5 weeks since tha last one… π
@WJUK: Well, I’ve mentioned 2 player in the Flash game, but with QTP and FPM. Β It would work a lot differently, you wouldn’t be able to race or compete like we want in the console game.
@KCreator78: Online multiplayer in pixel precise platforming? Β Sounds like magic to me :O
@Auad: We didn’t have time to make QTP playable on console, but the competitive aspect turned our much better, and is perfect for a console game π
@ICARAX: Not sure about the pencil, we have an info release schedule, if it makes sense depending on what we’re showing off, I’d love to add it. Β You don’t get it until later in the game, though, so it would be cheating a bit, but oh wells.
@jackhall: You’ll be able to play through W1 and 2 on the console in multiplayer π Β Mmm co-op Golf π
@fancy pants fiend: First off, congrats on leaving a comment that I could actually approve! Β But, I’m standing in a wedding today, haven’t been home since the showcase in New York. Β I’ll capture some video when I get home, or have enough time over here, or when marketing sends me photos from the event, I’ll upload those. Β I really wanna show off some co-op, so just hang on there a little longer.
@KCreator78: the camera zooms out quite a bit, we’re running a full 3d camera on the console, it’s quite awesome π
@KCreator78: Stay tuned π
this is kinda dumb to ask but Brad when you say spring 2011 do u know a certain month or will that take more time to figure out?
@Brad: awesome!! π
@Applewarrior/pirate/ninja: (lol, the way i started the comment, i just had to!) anyhow, the SAGA continues! π π π
Cool Calipers, Snazzy Stapler, Cool Compass, Pretty Paintball gun…
@KCreator78 & miaow: lololololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololololollololololololololololololololololololololol how about this.
Snappy Snipers and staplers, Green grenades, gumball guns, bow and pencil, red rocketlauncher, (pencil!!!!!) , and cheezy chainsaw !!!
This calls for the Mr. Green/ Mr. Red moment!!!
Mr.Green: wow, fancy pants is really coming along Mr. Icarax and Mr. Applefighter!
Applewarrior: ITS APPLEWARRIOR!!!!!!! π‘
ICARAX: yes, along with the website mr. green. do you know anything about the armory and the weapons that fany pants could weild?
Mr Green: no…. but i think my cousin mr red does!!!
Mr. Red: YES I do mr. ICARAX and Mr. Applebomber.
Applewarrior: HOW CAN YOU TWO NOT UNDERSTAND, MY NAME IS APPLEWARRIOR!!! MAYBE I SHOULD STOP INTERVIEWING WITH YOU TWO!!! No, i couldnt stop interviewing though… heh heh.
Mr. Red: whatever… anyways, i do know. BUT ITS A SURPRISE!! π I cant tell you because brad doesnt want you to know, and if i told, BRAD WOULD GET ANGRY. REALLY ANGRY. Because he wants everyone to be surprised. Im telling you that icarax could be right about the more than one weapons, or HE could be wrong!
Icarax: hmmm…. well, you’ve heard from the smileys of squiggleville, MR RED AND MR. GREEN!!
Mr. Red & Mr. Green: Oh yeah, and RUN FAST, RUN FANCY! π
This scene has been brought to you by: The Mayor Of Squiggleville, and ICARAX and APPLEWARRIOR.
Lol!! Super funny XD XD, and the saga continues? π
You know, there IS only ONE fpm, (in other words, only one guy is awesome lol) so one player would be fpm, and the other would have to be cpg cuz it wouldn’t make sense to have 2 fpms. It might mess up the plot though, and brad never listens to me any way π
Fancy pants mans twin brother with shorts and hat …
That would make sense!
@KCreator78: we have been doing mr. green/mr. red moments for a while now. π
@davismouse: its not part of the plot i dont think. its just where you get to go against friends and compete for the top spot!
I have som e new ideas of weapons π
How about an ink pen, which slows down ur enemies when touching the ink?
The eraser can be used to ”erase” enemies and some special walls around you, but that will probably be a very rare weapon since its so powerful π
Or maybe fancy pants man will join the dark side, and learn some powerful new spells? π
Maybe you can use an eletrical pencil sharpener as a drill? π
well that would be weird assuming fancy pants man is the hero of the story and then there wouldnt be a hero so the game would just end there
Yeah…. didn’t think about that XD
But magic can be used for good things too! For example revive your comrade if he dies, or something like that π
@applewarrior: lololololololololoolololololololol.
but you forgot mr. red! (headbang) so what do you think then?
mr. red: AGREED definetely my friends!
im in for the radio buisness if anyone wants to say i
Do you remember? Some time ago I said that FPM can’t jump on my computer! And I found the answer how to jump! The flash file has to run in fullscreen! Then I can jump!
listen to applewarriors comment if anyone thinks we should be on a radio talk show say I
@iownathaloreach: flash.
@AJ32: i remember that!! lolol.
@jackhall: and ICARAX!!! π well I
@iownathaloreach: no problem.
@Brad: YOU DIDNT TELL US YOU COULD TRIP AND KICCK EACHOTHER IN MULTIPLAYER GAMING!!!??!?!?!?!?!!?! (thanks joystiq for telling, and everyone else whos made reviews, been quite interesting reading and learning more about the game). well, i cannot wait to see the next report, seeing as you are saying they are going to be based on this, and BETTER stuff! π
ICARAX: mr green. what do you think of the multiplayer kicking and tripping eachother idea?
Mr.Green: Well, mr. icarax, i like the idea! it gives the game a little twist, and makes it fun!!
APPLEWARRIOR: How about you mr. red?
Mr. Red: Well, Mr. AppleCop (applewarrior turns red with anger YELLS ITS APPLEWARRIOR!!!!!!!) i like the idea, and its really interesting! i ccant wait. im gonna play mr. green, and the mayor! im sooo gonna pwn both of them (no offense mr green) (Mr green: none taken) Mr. Red: im gonna trip them, kick them, jump oon them do whatever i can! i cant wait, and mr. borne is doing a fantastic job! however, i know some amazing secrets i cant tell because mr. borne would get mad at me and disable my smiley. (mr. green: me too!) so sorry, you will have to wait.
ICARAX & APPLEWARRIOR: This is brought to you by: The mayor of squiggleville!
lolololololololololol brad what do you think of me and applewarriors mr. green/mr. red stuff?
I came up with an idea last night brad! You should announce best poster(s) of the post and say their names, depending on who did the best posting on the post! π please tell me what you think!
@ICARAX: I recorded a video yesterday, but didn’t record the sound by mistake, I’m going to dub it tonight and you’ll be able to see all of it π
I found some new impressions:
phew a lot of links π
@brad ICARAX had a great idea and i think you should do it : post the main posters names and possibly put them in a report? possibly the ones that do a lot of conversation (the ones you reply to a lot including me) please write the answer to me in a reply and or facebook (jack hall) look that name up
not the biggest poster, the most proper contributer, and right now it looks like policeman655 is going to win, thats a lot of websites. well, that is if brad reads the comment and agrees to it! π
EDIT: sorry, i didnt read the last page. Brad did read it! π lets see who wins if brad does it.
@Brad: soo, wait, when is the report? today right?…
sorry for the doube post but it was time. π
but i found some impressions!
@icarax your rockpapershotgun link seems to not be quite right…
Loving all of these reviews! Still, I would love to see that multiplayer action in either screen-shot or (preferably) in video format.
Keep up the good work! π
let’s celebrate!!!!
who wants to race through springy hills!?!?!
appelwarrior: don’t talk to me. πΏ