Not too much to report, I’m afraid. So we’re launched on XBLA, but we won’t really know how everything is going until PSN is back online. What timing, eh?
Oh, and my 360 decided to start freezing up. Not red ringing, just freezing randomly. So that’s lovely…
But, on a lighter note, I’m pretty eager to get back to working on World 3, so I’ll probably make a wrap up video once PSN goes back online, then go back to the World 3 reports.
I’ll be adding a few more things to the Sneak Peek as progress is made on World 3. I have a few ideas to involve everyone online in some shenanigans, which I’ve been wanting to do for awhile, so we’ll see how that turns out.
Oh yeah, and we have forums! There’s some things that I’m more inclined to post about in the forums than on the site itself, so if you want a peek into more behind the scenes-y stuff (or just listening to me geek out about video games), that’s your best bet.
Well, could someone post a comment on how to do ALL Smileys? Here are a few I know:
Ok ๐ Heres all I know about that you havn’t added yet:
๐ : twisted :
๐ฟ : evil :
๐ณ : oops :
๐ : ??? :
๐ก : idea :
โก : arrow :
๐ : roll :
๐ : lol :
๐ฏ : shock :
โ : ! :
โ : ? :
๐ฅ : cry :
๐ก : mad :
๐ฎ OR ๐ฎ : eek : OR : o (without space)
๐ ; )
๐ : |
8) 8 )
๐ : P
you got them all, i posted them all before. lol.
that was fun. i like posting smiles!
@Brad: Will World 3 for flash have multiplayer? I would think it cool if that, because my best Friend said, it would be cool. And PLEASE make it as a disc for wii my friend said it would be VERY COOL. ๐
@pencilmaster: brad has asked us not to request right now, because he has stated that before…. lol. haha. ๐ ๐ ๐
๐ for future refrences.
@Sausagefanclub: WElcome newcomer! brad says hi when he wishes to.
@ICARAX: not new… like I said about an hour ago, I’ve been here since World 2, but I haven’t made an account until now.
P.S: It says I posted at 9:53 but my clock says 7:53. Does Brad live in a different time field? (Other than PT)
@pencilmaster: as a matter of fact, i dont think he has posted ever since you have been here! or at least made an account.
@Sausagefanclub: yes, but even if you have been here since world 2, it doesnt make a difference because you have just created an account, so anyone who creates a new account is a “newcomer” lololol. ๐ ๐ ๐
๐ ๐
Brad is located somewhere in NEw Orleans i think, so he does have a different time…
We need something new to occupy ourselves… like another riddle! I’ve got one.
You’re trapped in a room with no doors, no windows, nothing on any of the walls. The walls are indestructible. All you have in the room is a saw and a table. How do you get out?
I will provide hints if necessary.
Hey guys I think it would be cool to set up a party on xbl and play together, who ever wants to do this just let me know…………
@ICARAX: DING! Your second answer was right.
I’ve got another riddle, I made this one up on my own:
There are 10 tall men in a room. But, the only people in the room are 5 infants. How is this possible?
Oh, and by the way, there are no dead people in the room, so don’t say there are 10 tall corpses in the room!
My riddle has stumped my entire family. I had to tell them the answer. If you want a hint just ask.
@pencil master: i was talking about only on this part of the blog…
@Sausagefanclub: is it a group of people called “The five infants” with 10 tall men in the group?
hmmm… another answer could be….. i dont know… if thats wrong, can you give a hint?
here, I have a few riddles of my own….
ICARAX RIDDLE 1. It is greater than God and more evil than the devil. The poor have it, the rich need it and if you eat it you’ll die. What is it?
ICARAX RIDDLE 2. What is in seasons, seconds, centuries and minutes but not in decades, years or days?
ICARAX RIDDLE 3. A prisoner is in jail. There are two doors, one leads to freedom one leads to death. There is a guard at each door. One guard always tells the truth, the other always tells lies. The prisoner is allowed one question to either of the guards.
What is the question that will take him to freedom.?
Try these out!!! ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
๐ ๐
Ack, tougher riddles.
Answer 1: money?
Answer 2: the letter ‘n’
Answer 3: Heard this before but forgot the answer
Hint to my riddle: 5 infants are the only HUMANS in the room, but there are ALSO 10 tall men in there. And no, 5 infants and 10 tall men isn’t the name of a group.
Try another guess… and continue the “You’re Banned Game” with me in the forum! I respond very quickly!
ICARAX riddle 3: Ask either of the guards this:
“If I were to ask the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would he tell me?”
Then whichever door he tells you is the door to death. Go out the other door into freedom!
Or you could ask what the other would answer you if you asked which door was to death, then go out the door he tells you.
SausagefanClub: Is it that the infants are each casting two long shadows?
good job!!! ๐ ๐ ๐
@sausagefanclub: if im wrong, then greatest guy is right… yay, first on the page!
None of you are right, the answer is still within my grasp!
Hey brad do you think you could organize another time to play fpa psn online in the near future? The Plastation Network is back up but the store isn’t so you’d have to wait for that to come back so that more people would have it. Of course to be fair you’d have to organize a xbla get together too although i don’t actually care about that for obvious reasons.
I made a topic for fpa online psn games go and have a look if you want to.
Less than a thousand from 30K XD
Ok LAST HINT: the tall men are not alive, but they aren’t humans either.
@Rufa-dufa: Welcome newcomer ๐
@Sausagefanclub: THEY ARE CYBORGS!!!!!!!! lol. I don’t know.
Almost at 30,000, come on come on…
just to let you know, Vectorian Giotto is awesome
100th comment!
Don’t worry Rufa-Dufa, just about everyone on this site can boast with a few exceptions being me and a few other peoples. Check out the fan art in the blog section I put something made out of lego on it and it is awesome (to my opinion)
@Tysonwallent: i’ll go check it out…
EDIT: Nice job!!! LOL, thats AWESOME!
@Sausagefanclub: The five tall men are Spirits/Ghosts trying to scare the infants?
Sausagefanclub: you said that there were no dead people there! well you stated corpses which are dead people. NOT FAIR!!! there are ten tall ghosts/or whatever that are trying to scare the infants. thats gotta be it. if we are wrong, then we must have the answer. ๐
except you had five tall men instead of 10, lol!
@Crasher: That is the FUNNIEST answer we yet had… COME ON SAUSAGEFANCLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!
65 MORE LIKES AND FOLLOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yahoo! I hope brad will insert ninjas or pirates in the demo at the 30,000 milestone!
Finally reached 30.000 likes and followers!!!
I want the soundtracks!
I DON’T SHOWER and I LOVE USING THE PENCIL! ๐ I want world 3, no, sorry, I NEED WORLD 3, just kidding, but seriously, I do want world 3 to come out soon
oh yeah, Just wanted to point out, Victorian Giotto (or however its spelled) looks like a kid-level animation tool. (no offense to anyone who uses it) the actual usage is very simplistic, least of all i could say flash is better, if you cant afford flash this is an alternative, but most animators would probably go for flash, or if they want to get really serious, toonboom, (it has a really nice interface and sweet dev and animation tools) but since flash has the ability to run AS, i don’t think many animators will make that transition soon, because they (we) al want to keep the door open to making games ontop of our animation work.
P.S. 30,00 likes and follows??? maybe brad can ad multi-play in the demo …
@wingdemon: I actually think that Brad MIGHT add multipayer to the sneak peek or at LEAST a World 3 Report about that!
@tysonwallent: No, wingdemon was first!
Im back from a 3 day camping trip in Pennsylvania! lol.
@AJ32: that even happend to me… I thought Brad did put World
3 on this site…
Well, fancy pants sneak peek is badge of the day on kongregate today. Any updates at all, Brad? On the progress of world 3, or on fancy pants adventures coming to PC?
@Icarax: lucky, I like going on camps,
damn, there isn’t much to talk about, I’m gonna go to the forums…
@Brad: Then go and make a post about it… ๐ Every little post is better than nothing!
tysonwallent: i check back here every now and then, the forums are much better in my opinion. But in anybodies mind, it could be different.
Brad: really? that sounds sorta cool..
AJ32: I agree!!! ๐ ๐
@brad: *sighs* anyway, when you finish that or when you get some spare moments out of doing so then you should add something for 30,000, we can’t really test the combat on flash as well as we could with some more epic enemies.
@tysonwallent(/Brad): I second that!!!!
thanks peoples ๐
k brad, you gotta do it with the voice of the people
@Brad: Can you PLEASE make World 3 for Flash a Multiplayer game?
lol, I found the FPA jump sound on GRSITES.COM! ๐
There is nothing interessting here…
thats why i dont really bother to post here as much as the forum