Welp, looks like Mochi’s Version Control is offline (Mochi was shut down recently). World 3 used it reduce the size of the actual swf file that was distributed on sites, so the game just isn’t playable without that chunk of game being piped in,
I’ll have to revisit that mammoth fla and create a full version eventually, but at the moment I’m way too busy trying to finish up the World 1 Remix, so for your World 3 fix, you’ll have to go to a site that’s hosting the full version. Two that I know definitely have the builds that still work:
Games.com has a newer version that streams the levels in as they’re needed, levels take slightly longer to start, but there’s way less upfront load time.
Well that sucks, thanks for telling us about it and offering a solution though. I think I could (but won’t) speak for everyone when I say I really appreciate how involved you are with your fans.
Makes me feel a little better, I wish I could do more, but it’s just me working on the games :pants:
Hey I totally understand that you gotta prioritize, and even just telling us where the game’ll still work is more than some multi-divisioned AAA publishers/developers. I (we?) REALLY appreciate all your hard work.
You could also finish the unfinished animations and fix some bugs when you’re creating a full version… just saying… :pants:
Ugh old code… Which bugs?
Well, I have played W3 over a billion times, so I’m glad you’re finisfing the remix first.
Can you look at World 2 on Armor Games? For me it is unplayable.
:pants: afff