Hey guys,
I didn’t realize how long it’d been since there had been a post on the site. Brad mentioned before that I’ve taken over the social media for World 4’s development. Someone mentioned on there that the blog hadn’t been updated in a while and I’m sorry about that. With me handling Facebook, twitter, and instagram I kind of pester Brad for snippets and small things here and there because the whole point is to foster interest and grow the audience there.
For the blog, Brad likes to break things down and explain what he’s doing so posting small things with cheesy quips doesn’t really work here.
He’s kind of been inundated with work as of now, working really hard to try to get the game released before the end of the year. There’s a lot he wants to talk about but he’s also trying to make sure that he’s making something that his y’all (and all FPA lovers) will enjoy. Meanwhile I’m chirping in the background “Brad! I need something to post this week!” or “Ummm can I post what you’re doing right now?” which probably isn’t helping his focus much. Social media is a necessity to get the word out though, so hopefully he doesn’t mind too much.
Is there anything y’all want from me? I mostly try to keep the blog as Brad’s thing since Bornegames is his creation. Mostly I just post small things on social media and then reply to questions.
Brad should be posting something soon. Right now he’s just plowing through stuff.
I also noticed that there have been posts on the forum about my updates on social media and AJ32 noted that I was in Boston (btw AJ32 I like need to send you a fruit basket or something, you’re awesome).
Between May and July Brad was working on things that he didn’t want to post because, well, spoilers. Let’s just say this was a very frustrating time for me as a social media manager. I was also in Boston for a period of time for a vocal conference. I never mentioned it here (I don’t think) but I’m finishing off a degree in vocal performance which isn’t easy with Brad working full time and three kids under the age of 5. It’s been an interesting year.
In short, guys, we appreciate y’all. Please don’t think you’re being ignored. I can’t reveal anything without Brad possibly hitting me over the head with a frying pan (just kidding, he’d probably glare at me then roll his eyes) but my experience is this game is going to be good. Really good guys. I can say 100% with confidence that this game will be amazing, and that’s not the supportive wife role, that’s the “I’m a female gamer and I will not sugar coat this because doing so will completely make me look like a tool”.
Haha, thanks! ๐ We need a fruit basket hat in W4…
I’m okay with those smaller updates you’re currently posting on your social media sites (like animated GIFs, screenshots or concept art). I’d also like to see another W4 report before the final game releases, but if Brad wants to finish the game before January, he should spend his time working on the game instead of recording videos.
You could also upload a new FPA music track to Youtube (“FPA World 4 Sneakpeek: Overworld Theme” or something like that). I love the music of the FPA games and can’t wait to listen to some new tracks! ๐
Brad has some ideas on how to get the smaller updates up so that it doesn’t feel like we’re just spamming the blog. Unfortunately in order to thrive on social media spamming is pretty necessary. I can’t count how many times I’ve recently had someone go “Wait, you’re making World 4?” on Facebook. We posted that in January! They just didn’t get it on their feed. :angerz:
So obnoxious.
I could probably give general ideas on what is going on along with pictures. We do want to talk about music and art more since we’re pretty much in crunch time.
I guess a fruit basket hat would be one way of giving you one without getting all your information and stalking you . . . er uh I mean . . . ๐ฏ
I would love to know if there is a chance that this game will be launched on steam ? ๐ i would love it on steam
I can neither confirm or deny a Steam release . . .
๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Just don’t overwork yourselves– That’s never good for anyone, let alone content creators and their fans. I’m happy we know what’s going on, and I trust that you know what you’re doing by managing things and keeping spoilers under wraps. Still super excited for World 4! The FPA series has been a part of my childhood, so I hold it pretty close to my heart.
Love the series, and the people behind it!
This is awesome to hear! Thanks for sticking with us ๐
Glad to hear that the blog/site is still alive, Fairly! We just need a few posts, 1/month or something will do, because I usually get bored when I see nothing but “Some Imageses” when there’s a whole lot of info on W4 on Social Media… Looking awesome, though!
And good luck, too! :fpm:
Yeah, that really shouldn’t happen. I had been so focused on keeping up with social media I didn’t realize the blog wasn’t being updated until someone on Facebook pointed it out.
And thanks!!
No problem! ^^
Before january?
That would be great! Hype! (though not No man’s sky amounts of hype, pls) I would agree with Fancypantsmaster1 in that I would like to see a rare blog post like once a month or so. Doesn’t really have to be about FPM necessarily, I really just like hearing about you guys! 3 kids already! That is awesome. (PS: I’m the guy who asked about the blog :woot: )
Haha I was hoping you’d show up. Thanks for the heads up :woot:
Shouldn’t be an issue ๐
this is all great to hear!
Could you look into getting the challenges to work again?
I’m looking forward for World 4 because I consider FPA series as one of the best platformers of all time. I just hope that it’s bigger and that it has many more exciting stuff than what we currently know. And also I hope that it doesn’t differ much from earlier games. I just hope for a proper sequel that would be worth the wait.
But to add some hype and excitement, I think that some deeper/better sneak peeks and/or trailers are essential. It would not spoil anything, at least not for me. But maybe it’s just too early.
We’re working on those at the moment. Trying to figure out what to release without releasing too much is a bit of an issue. As we get closer to planned release we’ll have much more to show off!
Hey Fairly, I would like to know if you could ask Brad about how he obtained and is currently using Scaleform for Fancy Pants? I was very impressed with World 1 Remix’s graphical performance on my desktop, and I was wondering how I could obtain Scaleform for gamedev and use it. Last I heard, however, Autodesk didn’t exactly give out Scaleform out to anybody, and I can’t figure out how they’re selling it, so I was wondering how Brad came along and got it. Also, is Scaleform available for published AIR applications to desktop?
I’m glad there’s a new post here, it’s been months. I checked back everyday to see if anything new showed up, though. As for updates, I’m fine with anything that happens to fly by here, just don’t leave us hanging with no new information, but let Brad work as hard as he can to polish up World 4. I’ve really been looking forward to it, and I’ve been playing Fancy Pants since it first came out, and all the rest of the games thus far, I love them dearly. I give you guys all of my support, I hope everything’s going well for you two! ๐
I have many fond memories of FPA. I’m confident that this next game is going to be great. ๐ While it isn’t out yet, I’ll just have to wait patiently then hahaha
Here comes the part where I start to get crazy about how W4 looks (Twitter), so I sure hope for an AS3 Test update, or a W4 Report…
The YT Channel has always been dead… What’s up with that? ๐
But still, stay fancy! :fpm:
Brad is working on getting a video up. He had to plow through some stuff before he could get on that. It’s part of the reason I didn’t social media post last week. We should get that up this week :woot:
Sweet! Can’t wait for W4 Report #2! Hopefully, he’s doing all right, cuz #1, I’m guessing Brad wasn’t up for it yet…
Now, we wait for another “NEW VIDEO OMG H4X!!!11” Thing…
But yes, looking forward to a new look at World 4!
And there should be some new AS3 Test for World 4. If Brad’s thinking about an Alpha/Beta thing for BG, that is…
๐ I’m now guessing Brad had one of those moments like “I’ll try to get it up this week!” and nothing happened… :angerz:
So I’m guessing a video this week, like 6 MONTHS AGO, Brad didn’t bring up the vid on that Saturday, but brought it up on Monday instead…
.-. Oh Brad…..
It’s recorded. He’s editing it.
three kids under the age of 5… im 6….. :er: what does that even have to do with me…also, here’s every emoji: ๐ ๐ ๐ก :woot: ๐ ๐ ๐ฏ ๐ ๐ :red: ๐ :pants: ๐ณ ๐ฎ
๐ ๐ก ๐ :fpm: ๐ฟ :er_neutral: :er: ๐ฅ ๐ :cat: โก :angerz: โ ๐ โ