Mirror’s Edge 2D Beta

Brad Borne and Electronic Arts are partnering up for the release of Mirror’s Edge 2D!

I made a post about it in the forum a few days ago, but it looks like the news is out, so here’s the official post about it.

We’re still a week or two away from full launch, but I’d like to get as much feedback about the beta as possible, so if you find anything glitching out, or anything you’d like to comment on, just comment this post.

Update: Just added a timer, lets see those scores! Finish the level to store best time.

Play the beta here!

To anyone having problems with high jumping from ledges:

Run at the ledge

Jump right before you hit it (or go too high from a wall climb)

Hold jump when she snaps to it

Keep holding jump

Annnd yeah

Criticism and responses: there has been a ton of aspects of the game that have been tweaked to address some criticism. I’ll try to address things that I’m not changing, or won’t add until the final game (most likely, at least) here:


There will be some sections with enemies (like, mini-levels), if I can get the balance right and keep it fun. Basically, enemies slow the player down, I know that most people want to keep moving on big sections.

Wall jump / jump is too powerful / not realistic enough

Well, yes, the wall jump probably seems to powerful in this level. I had it toned down much more at first, but that made Level 2 impossible in some parts. Same thing with the jump height. Certain level designs just aren’t possible if I keep the movement too conservative. And this is 2d, I need to use those two d’s as much as I can! That means lots of vertical ground covered, far more than in the console counterpart.

Re-mappable controls

This definitely highlights my hatred of the keyboard as the standard of input for computer games, but what can I do about that (besides tell you guys to use joytokey, darwiinremote, gamepad companion, etc)? Re-mappable controls are only necessary when games get too complex, devs ignore standards, or in the case of PC gaming, there are hardly any standards at all. I’ll try and add a few different control types to the game if I have the time, but I like to try and keep all my games so that the arrow keys map to the d-pad, and the WASD map to the face buttons. Basically, I’m a console gamer developing for a mouse and keyboard input scheme.

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  1. Jtegg007

    Awesome, 0.6 is out.
    Another idea. Now that theres a pause screen and a timer, the pause screen should have a reset button to either reload the game as a whole or just reset you back to the initial starting point with the timer at 0.00

  2. QuaTronics

    hmm, no as3 and javacript, its as2 😛
    the ladder wouldnt really add up any reall gameplay to the game tough, i think. and you learned it from samples, ill do a good search for samples then to 🙂
    one more question tough, does faith run on the art, or is that apart from the art? or a mixture of both?

  3. Nyubis

    Hey Brad, did you change something (before the .6 patch already) on he wallclimb thing? I hardly can finish the piece between the 2 buildings now, and it used to be so easy before the .5 beta…

  4. DrNeroCF

    mienai, D’oh, thanks for reminding me! Just added it backslash as jump also, it’ll be in .07. Please test it when it’s out and make sure that jump works correctly in all instances.

    Yeah I messed up the second long jump, looking into it again.

    Hartz, bug report videos rock my socks off. Thanks! Jane? Haha, you mean Faith?

    QuaTronics, glad it helped!

    Nyubis, wallclimb thing… you can’t fall from a wall and climb back up it again, other than that, I don’t believe so. Can you be more specific?

    AppleJuice137, definitely have to fix that right now, haha.

  5. Jtegg007

    Minor issue with the level reset in .07 (which, btw, thank you for puttin it there! saves my F5 key ;D)

    If you are standing in front of a “tutorial tip” note with one of the large red text boxes open when you pause and reset it breaks all the notes and that one stays permanently open.

    Also, Im not sure if youve made any adjustments to the leap of faith towards the end. I am able to use it now, but it seems to take perfect execution time. I can only get it about 2 out of 5 tries.

    Other than that, no great noticeable glitches… Still a great game and its making quick progress.

  6. I N S T I N C T

    its a very neat project youve got going. i was just wondering if the final game will have bars to volt over etc / more parkour in the gameplay.

    also the whole game in general [no offence] needs to be more realistic in terms of physics eg: jump height and wall climbs [like the actual Mirrors Edge for 360/ps3 which i thought was petty realistic (like jumping half your height)]. at the moment your too much like a ninja [which i dont think Mirrors Edge is supposed to portray].

    i know changing the physics may be a big ask but i realy REALY STRONGLY sugest it [otherwise i wouldnt have registered with Word Press to reply]. mabye you should put up a poll? or make a diffeent vesion of the game?

    and a few questions out of curiosity:
    – how is EA and you assosiated / how is EA helping?
    – is Faith’s body split into more than one sprite [eg: lower/top half]

    i hope prouction goes well.
    see ya,
    [ I N S T I N C T ]

  7. DrNeroCF

    INSTINCT, first off, thanks for taking the time to reply, I appreciate everyone’s input on the game. ‘Realistic’ physics is something I’m strongly opinionated about, I’ve discussed the concept quite a bit on this site (no, I don’t mean that you should have looked up my opinion on it already). Just saying, I hope I don’t come off as rude or offensive, this is just my opinion on different types of platformer physics.

    First off, the idea of ‘realistic’ physics in a 2D platformer is just silly. It works in Mirror’s Edge because there’s a ton of horizontal space to cover. Faith is running at about 3 times the speed of a normal human sprint in this game. From a gameplay perspective, the slower I make her and the lower I make her jump, the tighter the collision has to be, since there’s far less difference between a jump that you can make, and a jump that you can’t make. With the size of the sprites and the art, I’d be asking the player to pull a far larger amount of information from far less pixels.

    Plus, it’s just straight out less fun. Try comparing LittleBigPlanet to Super Mario Bros. 3. I don’t want to say that Sackboy’s ONLY function is being your mouse pointer while creating levels, but…

    Also, she’s one sprite, it’s EA’s game, technically. They’re contracting me to create the game.

  8. I N S T I N C T

    hmm.. i can now understand how realistic physics probably arent that great for this sort of game but you should still cut the hight a little cause otherwise you cant really add the whole parkour aspect (unless you dont intend to add fences to volt etc [which is what i remember Mirrors Edge for – its awesome free-runner experience])

    btw i dont see how you cant combine the S key with the up arrow key. You could make “UP” execute “S”‘s functions when “UP” is pressed and make “UP” execute “UP’s” functions while “UP” is being held. [i would prefer it that way] that way if you wanted to you could use w,a,s,d and mouse as well for guns etc cause both your hands wouldn’t be needed for the keyboard.

    oh, and dont worry about offending me or anything. i just thought you might be offended about me telling you to change the physics. btw thanks for replying so fast to my other post! you must have this page open while on the pc always 🙂

    anyway. great game. cant wait.
    see ya,
    [ I N S T I N C T ]

    oh, yeah: speed run [57.93] yay ^_^

  9. WJUK

    Take it from me, Brad’s really opinated about “realistic physics”. I think the game’s great as it is, and you should really not compare this with the actual ME game. Since many things cannot be carried over from 3D to 2D. Just enjoy this game as it is.

  10. bigred99

    This is defiantly the best web based game I have played. Great job too all of you. Its fun to try and beat your personal time (and frustrating). I am officially addicted to it. Just one thing that I’ve noticed is that when I am listening to music through windows media player, only when I am playing this game does some of my music files fail to play. When not playing this game, the same file works fine. Just thought Id mention it. But still is the best game ever and thank you for it.

  11. chris101b

    First of all, my best speed run is at 56.83 right now. Second of all I found a glitch, if you are hanging from the side of a building, you cant pause the game. Not hanging from a billboard or pipe, but if you are hanging on the side of a building. Just thought you might want to know.

  12. ted5610

    hey brad um i didn’t notice any real BUG per-se but the first red girder which you jump on before the black pole with the bobble on it, the girder is just kind of floating in mid air, i was wondering if that was on purpose… just because most girders ive seen that arnt irradiated don’t float. =]

  13. Overlord37

    Wanna say one of the most fluid flash games to date but i have some ideas. If possible, you should let Faith see a bit ahead to plan out what we will (assuming the levels get more complicated and jumps get longer). Not sure if this is in the actual mirror’s edge but a back flip or front flip would be fun to use.

  14. Dhue1220

    Hey…Don’t know how to do the electronic videos or pictures without a separate camera but my best time right now is 53.53.

    Anybody know a quick walkthrough on making those videos?

  15. WJUK

    @Z: I heard there were gonna be online leaderboards somewhere… not sure where though.

    @Dhue: Or you can printscreen (aka screen-dump) using the “Prnt Scrn” key.

  16. DasEmu

    I have not played the 3D Version produced by EA, but the 2D game is absolut amazing.
    ´ve played it for yours, so for now I have some little critic or even ideas:

    1. Good old Commander Keen elements:
    a)Screen scrolling left, right, down, up, if you keep the according button pressed and you do not move. So you can look especially what is under and over you, but allthough left and right, if you are leaning against a wall
    b) If you are standing on something you could also hang on: Duck and then press jump – that should cause you to change to hang.

    2. Wall climbing is to powerful:
    a) The vertical distance of greatest wall climbs in game is ~4xFaith height. 3x would be enough I think. That can look even cooler then it looks yet, when the animation includes that the steps of wall climbs become smaller each step.
    b) If you fall against a wall, just with a very little horizontal speed you can start a wall climb and you loose instant all falling speed. Too unrealistic. (I have nothing agains the two buildings next to each other you can jump between higher and higher, but the distance between them is “only” 2xFaith hight)

    2a) and 2b) combined make the wallclimb to the absolut main move and allmighty rescue move. I think the different parkourmoves in ME2d should be more in balance.

    3. The game gives you a great intuitiv gameplay (after some playing). You have absolut control over your charakter, but don´t think much about. Because of that, their should be no “special spots”. I mean the two extra wide jumps I found. Only if you press jump on this special spots you will make an extra wide jump.
    If you are running horizontal on full speed and press jump that should have always the same effect. The only difference is, how you press the jump button – only tip or full press.

  17. btch

    This game definitively needs fully configurable controls. I consider this a major bug. Not only because it is 2008 and configurable controls should be standard for every game, but also for other reasons.

    The “Arrows+S” controls force you to use your right hand for character movement, but this is a 2D version of a console game where you can use your left hand for character movement. This is irritating.

    Also, the current control scheme needs two hands to operate. With configurable controls one could use e.g “WASD+Space” and play with one hand.

    There is another minor bug: Dieing does not reset the animation state. For example if you fall down while jumping coiled up as a ball then you will respawn still rolled up.

  18. WJUK

    Basically, you’ve broke the game Brad!

    And I just opened it out to check if there was something wrong that caused the end-level glitch, and I find a blue box there. Is that meant to be there?

  19. gr3yh47

    1) new world record time: 52.80

    i have composed some checkpoint screenshots so that you guys can know how fast you have to get to certain spots. ill post these later

    2) idk if me2d was updated but my best score no longer shows and when i get to the end it doesnt take me back to the beginning…


  20. gr3yh47

    thanks for the heads up hartz, i did not know about the other thread.

    i will be beating that score, 3 runs since i read it and already down to 52.17

  21. DrNeroCF

    Actually, it may. One the rope, I was suppressing how quickly you can jump again from the rope, when I should have only been doing that on ziplines (so you can’t go up them). So that might have a tiny effect…

  22. nativesun

    Awesome stuff. I really enjoyed this game. just as much as fancy pants.

    the flow was great. the jumping, rolling, running, catching, flipping, sound effects and visuals…..

    plus the soundtrack…..definitely engrossing.

  23. DrNeroCF

    All of the ropes that aren’t ziplines. Or do you somehow bypass that first rope that you land on from the longjump?

    Oh, and I loosened up that second long jump, since a few people were having problems with it.

  24. gr3yh47

    *i dont think it really affects it*

    i was referring to the rope change affecting speedruns. is there an edit button somewhere that i am missing? lol

  25. zymn

    i’ve finally gotten back into the “Glitch Finding” phase. i haven’t been keeping track of the comments, but anyways…

    on the eagle head at the right side of the first building, if you jump on it in a certain spot, it resets the player…

    and, the building where you jump on the slide bar thing, under the bar, there seems to be a layer problem. her foot goes underneath the white outline…

    thats all so far. 😀

  26. DrNeroCF

    Fall, like, she doesn’t stick to the ground?

    Save times are going to be wiped whenever I put a new version up, sorry. Unless you mean laps, it better be saving laps…

    Differences? A good difference or a bad difference?

  27. gr3yh47

    51.87 in .8b

    its fine. the same exact runs are possible. its perfect imo as far as speedruns, .8b is just slightly more technical

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