More Baddie Fun


So, I’ve gone and opened up Squiggleville for general use in the baddie beta, and also added a few new things. The Baddie Beta and everything else I’ve added has been moved into a ‘Behind the Curtain’ level, the newest there is a test level that I built while testing out the new collision. Hopefully you’ll be able to see what I’ve changed, and how it plays differently (as well as lots of Snailshell bugs, sorry!), as well as a few new platform tests which I find particularly neat (and took a long time to build!). If anyone’s interested in the actual changes and code behind the update, I can make a video on it later or something, though either way, we’re way past due for a video.

If anyone finds bugs in any level, please EMAIL me the replay, DON’T post it in the comments!

Sneak Peak Beta

Got some new additions to the baddie arena. This should be the last update before I put the arena into the greater Sneak Peek, and everyone will be able to play with the newest changes.

Added a few new baddies. I’m not sure if I’ll be taking any more baddie submissions, if something awesome comes my way, I’ll certainly throw it in, I’ll just have to be a bit more picky this time.

Lots of subtle little changes in the combat, so you might not feel anything in particular, but everything should feel a little more solid, and scores should go up a tad. Experimenting with a little health bar, and a bit of an auto lunge, and a few more accurate ways of auto aiming the combat.

Since I’ve said I’ll be adding something extra to the Sneak Peek, and I always say that I want everyone to know more about what goes on behind the scenes, I’m thinking of adding a few of the test levels that I use to try out new code and check for bugs. Should be a fun peek behind the curtain, maybe it’ll give everyone an insight on the parts of the game making process that don’t make it into the final release.

Oh right, something much bigger but very very boring, I’ve added some code to compress the replay arrays a tremendous amount. Once I unleash the new collision on to Squiggleville, I have a feeling that lots of replays will need to be sent so that I can squash all the new awesome bugs I created. A few fixes to the ledge hanging code, also boring, still a little buggy 🙁

As a tiny bonus, I’ll let everyone see the progress I’ve made with swimming. Lots of little things to make the water feel more alive, just a few new animations, you’ll see soon enough!

And again, so many thanks to everyone who submitted baddies to make combat debugging a little less horribly boring!

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    @Nats M sky: hey!!! 😀 XD long time no see! yeah, ninsplosion rocks.


    hold s and up when he swings the pencil from his lower side to the top.


    sorry that wasnt a correct definition, and the time had elapsed, so here is the real one.

    hold a or d and the up arrow when he swings the pencil from his lower side to the top. the one where he swipes it sort of. it goes from bottom to top so hes holding it like a lance almost, and if you hold the up arrow when he is going to swing it up, you are most likely going to be able to do it. 😛 =P

  3. Atilioo

    I ? No! Complaints with Mr. Google.

    It is frustrating .. normal words saw verbs .. Google Translator can improve a little.

    I have english 2 times per week at school .. My note was never is bad, I never took a 7 … 😛

    If I learn English .. You learn what? Spanish? Frances? Mandarin Oo?! Portuguese?

    @Auad Sim, uso, já fiz 3 animações :

    Bandeira :

    Dance ! (Minha primeira animação.. Basicamente, um teste. E aos americanos, me refiro à dançar…)

    Foguete (minha última que fiz.. A que mais dura.)

    @Nats M. Sky Hold A / D, and when he is right to attacking press the up arrow ..

  4. Atilioo

    It would be nice to meet Brad .. But that it would be impossible.

    Go to would be nice Australia, Canada and Africa … Who knows, years from now ….

  5. Atilioo

    HAHAHAHA Justin Bieber Speak in Portuguese !


    You know say something in Portuguese?
    JB: No
    Try to talk like this … I love the Brazilian girls ..

    I. ..
    JB: I.
    I love
    JB: I love
    The Girls
    JB: The Garoutes
    JB: Bruázilians.



    Eu amo as gárôutas Bruásileiras…

    Eita … Sotaque péssimo !

    É como o Obama… ”Obrûígado” !

    Ele falou meio como se fosse lezado .. Ou drogado ! HAHAHAAA


    and just to be clear, I have the 100th post, just to get that done. 😀 XD

    lol, sorry didnt mean to spam. 😀 anyways,

    anyone find any new glitches?

    i found one in the behind the curtain room when you go all the way to the left where it says what..? and you press the down arrow key, you curl up into a ball with your hair blowing in the wind (a.k.a the roll animation, just not moving) and it stays there until you let go. of the arrow key.

    you can do that on the header if you roll properly, because you stop at a specific area that you stay like that, and then even when you let go (at least when it happened) it stays like that, so you have to reload. 😀

  7. Infrared

    Actually, there is one I found a while ago connected to the snail-pencil-background glitch, but I was only able to do it once. At the bottom of the entrance area to the “Stress Testing the Engine” room (where the green slide ends, below the circular hollow platform), there is a piece of standard ground that comes up as if it is supporting the base of the slide (it’s just to the left of the spring). If you push the snail shell so that it is stuck between Fancy Pants Man and the “support beam”, and charge up your pencil attack, you can force the snail shell to magically pass through this beam and become inaccessible behind it (as well as making it part of the background). I’ve tried to replicate it, and I’ve been able to get it stuck partway into the beam, but that’s the best that I’ve been able to do.

  8. wingdemon

    FFA, Wingbemon, You Know Who, Encom, how many accounts does this guy have? and he made most of them just to ‘attempt’ to troll me, but then David stepped in and … 🙂 lets just say he wont be trolling anyone for a while noaw.

  9. offtopic

    um…what?i’m kinda confused. Anybody care to enlighten me as to what happened while i was putting a self imposed ban on my laptop time to write a thesis on slow and rapid earth movements.(AKA – Wikipedia +copy,paste+print=mission accomplished)

  10. AJ32

    @wingdemon: And Hugh-Studios, or not?!
    For the soundtrack: I asked that so many times but Brad didn’t answer! I think World 3 Flash has all the Level Themes but I want to have the music from the Main Menu and the new pieces from W2! And the Bonus Race Themes! (There are 4, am I right?)
    I saw the levels just in videos, I don’t know if the Adam Phillips Level has its own theme too!
    -Main Menu Theme
    -Menu Theme
    -Tutorial Theme
    -Intro Theme
    -Themes from the following levels in World 3: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
    -Disco/Credits Theme
    -The 4 Race Themes
    -Themes from the following levels in World 2: 2, The Swain, 4, The Negative One
    -If there is a new theme for the Bonus Level in the “Ink Spill” Level, I wanna have that too!
    -Micro Trial Theme
    -W3 Boss Theme
    Gimme gimme gimme!!
    And I like it when there are the original MP3’s (without that fade out stuff).

  11. wingdemon


    you can’t make multiple accounts on the same email. -.-

    you can ip ban someone, (which basically bans their internet, so it doesn’t matter if they buy a new computer, or make a new acc, their still banned) which is what brad did i suppose, but if your net savvy (like FFA was) you can use proxies and VPN’s to get around that. (which is what he did)

  12. AJ32

    Bug in the egine testing room (I hope nobody else had said that before): When you jump on the spring thing and press a or d, the camera switches to the ceiling!

  13. Infrared

    @Glitchfinder: Oh good, someone else has been able to get it! I got that glitch a while ago, but the snail shell went all the way through…every time that I’ve tried since then, it has only gone partway through…

  14. Auad

    @Atilio, vc ganho um xbox.. mas será q vc vai consegui o jogo aqui
    no brasil?
    @everyone, i’m kinda newbie on doing things on computer, how do you
    guys make videos of your glitches??
    @someone, could you teach me plz??? 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

  15. Joel Huff

    Auad: i use hyper cam 2 to record my glitches its really easy to use and has good quality but the only thing is it doesnt record sound, and its free you just have to download it

  16. ICARAX

    Okay, just do whatever you do, and once you have done it, press spacebar. It shows the pause screen, and on the right, it shows two options, reset all data, and replay. Click on the one that says replay. It takes you to another screen with lots of random letters and numbers. Copy and paste everything inside the box, and email it to brad. There you go! And to view it, in that box it also says load, so if you want to view it, do the thing you want to do, and go to replay, and press load. There is a load button on the random letters and numbers screen. 😀

    @Joel huff you can also go to the pause screen and do what I said above. Just go to replay and press load. Or copy and paste the replay, and email it to brad. I don’t think brad likes long long replays in the comments though.

  17. The Cat Guy

    ICARAX, Brad has asked us not to post replays here, and does anybody remember me? Infrared? THEPOWER? Brad? Aillitoo? (sorry if I spelled that wrong)

    How ’bout from the


  18. Atilioo

    @wingdemon This is impossible… Agora você vê como eu sofro…

    JÁ SEI ! ICARAX, Você é um cara muito bacana… Então você simplesmente poderia me enviar o Mr. Fancy Pants !

    (Original Only… My Xbox is blocked).

    Hahaha, na TV eu vi quee demora menos que daqui do Brasil para qualquer ponto do Brasil… Fiquei meio estressado … Como isso pode acontecer ?!

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