First Fancy Pants League Event!

As is with all online games, it’s far more difficult to get a game going through online matchmaking than it was at launch in FPA on consoles.

Well, let’s fix that. every Saturday, at 5:00pm CST, I declare the first gathering of the Fancy Pants Online Racing / Battling League! The plan is to flood the servers all at once at that time so that matchmaking is able to do it’s thing once more.

So that we’re all in the same matchmaking pool, go to:

Quick Match -> Player Match

If there isn’t a room waiting, go ahead and make one.

I won’t be joining any groups or playing story mode, just going back into matchmaking over and over.

I’ll be switching between the XBLA and PSN versions.

So hop online and bring your a-game, there’s a good chance we’ll be smacking each other around with pencils. In the very least, everyone should finally be able to play a 4 player match again!

Once more:

Saturday, 5:00 CST, Quick Match -> Player Match.

And I’m DrNeroCF on both services, see you online!


  1. Auad

    I don’t have the console..
    I can’t wait to come here some hour from now and see your comments like: “WOW, IT WAS SUPER AWESOME”
    Anyway, have fun..

    BTW, can someone record it?

  2. sanicdotexe32111

    reply if were still doing this in 2017 fancy pants lives on also my psn username is sanicdotexe32111 and i send some request to most of you

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