Category: Remix

Remix Bugs and Let’s Play popup bombing

I’m keeping the Remix and World 4 code bases unified, which means everyone gets gets to play any improvements to the core of the game sooner, but there’s also a good chance that I’ll end up breaking things in the Remix. Thankfully, TheEndExplorer helped make sure everything was ship-shaped for his let’s play, so I think you guys should check out his run though of the Remix:

I absolutely love watching other people play my games, especially when they can do a skilled run. Oh and I totally ruin his video at 10:25 because lololololololol 😎

One of my priorities for World 4 is to make it more fun to watch, so I hope to see even more let’s plays in the future!

Comments Remix Bugs and Let’s Play popup bombing

New Bonus Room for Remix Level 5!

Now available to all Keyholders, Bonus 1 has been added to Level 5 in progress in the World 1 Remix! Just go through the Extras door in from the Remix, if you’ve been through the level recently, you’ll know where the bonus door is.

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I thought it was a good opportunity to use some of the new engine features built for World 4, to keep things interesting.

Level 5 is under construction and available to everyone who’s bought a Key, on Borne Games or Kongregate, and will be available to everyone once it’s finished.

Comments New Bonus Room for Remix Level 5!

Borne Games Challenge #2: Squiggles Get!

If you miss the MicroTrials from World 3, this one’s for you! Collect every Squiggle and reach the end of the level as fast as you can!

Didn’t think this one would end up as hard as it did, especially if you try to do a perfect run. I need some sleep, but I’ll be back to get a better score tomorrow!

Squiggles Get!

Click to start!

Protip: You can access the list of all the challenges by hovering your cursor over the ‘Challenges’ tab at the top menu bar there.

Comments Borne Games Challenge #2: Squiggles Get!

Level Creation Commentary

As a bonus for all key holders, I’ve added some commentary to the level in progress (what will be level 5). I’ll be updating it as I draw it out and add brand new bonus levels to it, but it will be accessible to everyone once it’s finished.

I never know how much regular players want to hear about the ‘making of’ part of my games, but you could see some more features like this in the future depending on the level of interest.

Just go to the Remix, through the Extra door, and into ‘New Level in Progress’ door!

Comments Level Creation Commentary

Remix on Borne Games, Keys!

The World 1 Remix is fully live on!

Click here or the huge image up there to play it on BorneGames!

You can able to purchase keys in game using PayPal (even without a PayPal account), and settings and collectibles will carry over between the Remix and the World 4 alpha, so you can roll around in that crazy new hat (you know the one!).

I’ve also added new digital rewards to all keys silver and up bought on Kong or BorneGames, check them out in game, or go here for even more details.

As always, thank you profusely to everyone out there, hope you enjoy the Remix!

Comments Remix on Borne Games, Keys!

World 1 Remix, Out Now!

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I need your help! If you enjoy the game, please rate on Kongregate!

You read it! The World 1 Remix is out now on Kongregate! Already know World 1 backwards and forwards? Good! There’s plenty of new surprises to see, with more content incoming!

I’m also doing something completely new for me, I’m attempting to monetize the game straight in Flash, using’s Kreds currency. You can buy a key in the game to help support development of future games (World 4!) and get premium content and levels in this game. I put a lot of effort into making the premium levels and items special, and they’ll give you a peek at some newer features that I’ll be expanding on in later games. You will also keep all items in future games, so you’ll get a ton of use out of those new hats and pants!

One key will unlock every door in the Remix, but you can also buy a Fancy Key that acts like a season pass, it’ll also work in future Fancy Pants games. If you’re feeling extra fancy, there’s also more valuable keys to support Borne Games even further. Think of it like a Kickstarter within a game!

How well the keys monetize will directly affect how much I can support the Remix post launch. I’d love to add things like local multiplayer, extra levels, who knows? So, if you’ve enjoyed the Fancy Pants Adventures Flash games so far, please consider making a purchase! The normal Key is 20 Kreds (about 2 USD) and 50 (around 5 USD) for the Fancy Key. The quality of my next games will be directly related to how well the keys do, so please help spread the word!

I appreciate everyone who plays my games, but I want to give a special thank you to all the players who have been there since the first Fancy Pants Adventures, you’re the reason the series has continued and become what it is today, this game’s for you especially!

Comments World 1 Remix, Out Now!

Remix Polish Update, Huge Performance Fix

[small update: new double backflip in now, mouse is mostly fixed and back in, just needs some new animations]

Hey guys, I’m trying to finish the Remix soon as I can, so I’m afraid you’ll only be getting boring updates until that’s out.

Got a few new animations and features in this build, here’s a boring list!

– new backflip animation
– new hurt animation
– new get up animation
– new heavy land to run animation

More useful is the interface polish: an actual pause (click or space), volume slider, fullscreen button, hide UI (for screenshots I guess?), but the interface itself isn’t final yet. Some feedback on the level load progress there so you’re not just looking at debug text or a white screen, way better!

I did a polish pass on the levels in the alpha, moving blocks should be behaving properly now, please hammer away and tell me if there’s anything new acting up!

Performance Fix / Flash Ranting

So I was going to do an update post a few days ago but ran into a nasty, soul crushing bug in Flash. I was getting a huge CPU spike for doing nothing but turning around repeatedly! I’m still not exactly sure what was causing it, but here’s as much as I can figure out:

Fancy Pants Man has a big timeline with a huge amount of animations on it (nothing compared to World 3’s, but still more than usual I’m sure). It seemed like whenever you changed animations, every single animation on the timeline that it was skipping over was loading up and being processed, every single time, until garbage collection kicked in and wiped them clean. If you turned around repeatedly, that would cause the giant walking clip and all the nested animations there (walking legs, then either walk, pencil sheathing, pencil carrying, or landing torso) to load up over and over and over again. So apparently Flash can’t navigate timelines properly (you had one job, Flash!), and I can’t find anything about this online because I’m convinced that I’m the last developer alive who actually uses Flash like it’s Flash.

Anyway, to get around it, I just load the animations as their needed, and disable them instead of destroying them on animation switch. Even with all the animations loaded at once, CPU and memory usage are both lower than they were before. I had to change how some of the player loading code works, which caused a huge amount of bugs yesterday, so sorry about that!

Everything looks like it’s solid now, which is way more excited than it sounds. Before, after a few levels, the CPU usage would pile up and the game would come to a crawl until I reloaded the level and forced garbage collect to kick in. Had the game running for an hour or so yesterday and it remained at 60 the entire time (with some stuttering, but meh).

If you’re still getting poor performance, try lowering the quality to medium (but not low, that messes with the ground collision) for now, but I’ll have some options to turn down other settings, right now it’s running with basically maximum image quality (which is probably a huge no no in Flash, lawlz).

Oh, right, I also tried some new animation caching for the smoke dust puff, though Flash can’t rotate bitmaps to save it’s life, so it looks pretty terrible. Not sure if it even makes much of a different in the browser, but I’ll play around with it.

Have At It!

If you want to help, please just play through a few times and let me know if performance stays solid. If you want to go through and look for any remaining bugs in single player in the alpha, that would help me out a ton, I’m trying to get the first few levels ‘release worthy’ as far as bugs and polish goes.

Comments Remix Polish Update, Huge Performance Fix

Introducing: World 1 Remix

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Update: Happy Mardi Gras, here’s some sound!

Hey everyone! The next Fancy Pants Adventures will officially be the World 1 Remix. It’ll be a re-release of the first world Fancy Pants Adventures, plus new levels, new items, new secrets, and of course, new pants!

I’ve updated the level 1 in the AS3 alpha that’s been playable online with a sample of what will be new in the Remix, I don’t want to spoil anything, so just go check it out yourself!

World 1 Remix Alpha

Comments Introducing: World 1 Remix