Just wanted to talk about a few concerns posted about the announcement of the console game.
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Just wanted to talk about a few concerns posted about the announcement of the console game.
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Ouch, you’ve caught my copy/paste fail!
Great to finally have some clarity. I worship fancy pants so much that I am thinking of buying a console just to play this game. Brad which console would you recommend for this game. I look forward to seeing some footage of the game next week. Awesome work π
Congrats to you Brad, I’ve always loved Fancy Pants and really respect the passion you have when it comes to your work, and the whole genre.
I share a lot of your sentiment for side scrollers as I have a sweet spot for them in my heart coming from my childhood as well.
Very glad you’ve been given this well-deserved opportunity and I wish you the best with your future projects! π
Blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah! Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah? Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah! Blah blah blah blah? Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah blah blah? Blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah blah! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah? Blah blah blah blah blah blah? Blah blah blah blah! Blah blah blah blah.
nice facial hair btw.
bbtw, WAAAAH! I WANT W3 REPORT 31!!!!
Translation from Brad time to Real Time…
Answer = 6 months. XD
Anyway, in all seriousness, it’s always good to have confirmation.
nice. can’t wait for it to come out.
just a question, how much do ya think it’ll cost? (in MS points plz)
P.S. I believe that XBLA was made for this game. or the other way around. same thing.
Well, it looks like my cousin will be letting me either have his XBOX 360, or I’ll borrow it for a while so I can play through this thing a fer hundred times when it comes out. So I’m excited. π
@ Brad: same question as TriangleMan, which console should i buy for to play this? (i only have the wii now) also, i don’t imagine it will be ported to the psp, will it?
@Julius, but of course he has worked with EA2D before when making ME2D. remember?
@Brad, i wanted to ask if you will be re-drawing all the levels from W1 & W2 or just porting them to console with awesome parallaxes.
@Brad : Hey brad! Good job! How are you developing the game? What program and languages do you use to make a console game?
how much will the game cost? (i have a ps3 so say straight foward money.) any chance for psmove/kinect enabled minigames?
Uh… My laptop’s been having some malfunctions so i had to take it to a computer fix it place…. So, I’m on this other computer I have which annoyingly enough, doesn’t have sound (i don’t know what the heck’s wrong with it, it’s just always been like this). Well anywho, because of not having sound I wasn’t able to watch to the report because sadly I can’t read lips. I’ll watch the report as soon as I get my laptop back, but I just wanted to comment because I have a question for you, Brad.
@Brad Is there anyway that fancy Pants adventures could be available on a disk for your PC? It’s just I’m crazy about this game and I so badly want to play it, and I know I’m most likely never gonna get a console… π I mean, I guess if there was a possibility of this you might have mentioned it already, but if getting it on a disk for PC is not possible could you please explain to me carefully why it isn’t possible? I know you might have answered this question in the video it’s just as you know I’m unable to watch it π so if you could answer my question please that would really help satisfy my curiosity. Many thanks
P.S, oh yeah and how much is the fancy pants game gonna gonna cost β
yay!! brad has made 2 reports now! lol. when i was at my friends house (romanabbasid) we played halo reach. my god it was so fun, and we were playing on teams at the end, and i was killing this guy far range, and my teammate ran right into my fire. i got booted from the game. π₯ π , but it was fun.
@befancy: try using headphones. i had that kind of cpu before, it was terrible, but the noise worked in headphones. unless theres something REALLY wrong with it, it should work. im not sure if hes sure about the price, and if i recall correctly, he didnt want to talk about the pricing of the game. i dont remember.
What. did. i. say. I win.
Lawlz it’s odd. you have T-shirts in the store, but no pants.
@Hammy: Kind of ironic isn’t it?
@ICARAX Hey, I tried the earphone thing. It doesn’t work… I don’ think this old computer will ever be able to play sound, but thanks for the idea π
So, X-Box Live and PSN. Any chance of getting it on wiiware? If not, I’ll just have to convince my friend to get it on his x-box…
I think Fancy Pants would run quite well on the Wii. After all, the new super Mario bros. plays great!
i think.
@everyone How much does and XBLA cost?
@BEfancy: oh well, sorry. π that stinks.
@BE FANCY, XBLA = X Box Live Arcade, to access it you have to buy an X Box 360, which is about 230$ (value bundle) from your closest Walmart. plus you have to pay for X Box live, and internet. π
we. have. been. so. f******. stupid.
Brad showed us a video of a friend of his, playing ‘World 3’ a looooong time ago. and they where using a flipping console. Why did none of the fans here notice that? I myself thought it was weirdβ¦ but, hey, I used to have a controller for my computerβ¦. [still can’t believe how stupid we’ve been]
@Pandebus….that was Afro Ninja…He was at the Newgrounds Office…and yes, they were using a 360 controller on a laptop. look VERY closely at the video. :P. its okay, everyone makes mistakes. The fans woulda noticed if it was a console, since it wasn’t we didn’t.
Hey Brad, been following the series since before World 2, I’ve really been enjoying all that’s gone on at Borne Games. This is a great announcement, a great new site, and I’m happy that you’re gonna be able to express the game in a better way and reach more people. I’m definitely gonna fix up my XBOX so that I can play this, I’m headin’ on over to the new website to watch the trailer as we speak. π
I’ll still follow this blog, though. π
@icarax: im 10 and i hate it too.
RIDDLE#1: If a chicken says, “All Chickens are liars” is the chicken telling the truth?
RIDDLE#2: If you look you can not see me and if you see me you can not see anything else. I can make anything you want happen, But later everything goes back to normal. What am I?
RIDDLE#3: Two cops walked into a room with no windows and found a dead man who obviously hung himself from the ceiling, though they couldn’t figure out how. There was no chair beneath him that he might have jumped off of, or a table. Just a puddle of water. How did he do it?
see if you can answer them!
can’t wait for fpa brad! glad we’ll still have world 3.
#1: no?
#2: a mirror?
#3: he stood on a block of ice.
oh yea, it was a block of ice.
Big geek question for Brad:
The Flash-based FPA was written in ActionScript. I’m assuming that Microsoft would want to lock down their flagship console as much as possible. As such, are you using C++ with Microsoft’s compiler? C? or even, *gasp* Assembly?
@hidas, Brad isn’t programming it….OTT Games is…….
@wingdemon: really? i thought he was drawing it all out, and then putting it onto flash… and him saying that flash could be frustrating, etc.
i thought OTT games was just helping.
soooo… brad, anything interesting about W3 coming up? or consoles? dont rush, take your time, just asking if something interesting is in the air…
@davismouse: i kno!! i was suprised when they got mine too! lol, chickens cant talk, OR the chicken was the only liar chicken, if they could talk… lol.
Uhh… She drowned?
I’m really looking forward to this…
Hope the difficulty level rewards talented players – with something like the Star World in Super Mario World, for example… the game can be finished without completing these levels, but the satisfaction from doing so makes it all worthwhile.
Please don’t just rely on speedruns to increase the difficulty, a la Winterbottom…
@tkg: There was a bell to signal when the water got too deep to swim. A deaf woman goes out, the bell rings, she doesn’t hear it and she drowns.
DM: Sooo…. sorta right, right?
1. A man lay dead in a room with 53 Bicycles around him. What happened?
2. What does “T” and an island have in common?
3. A man in a suit lay unconscious in the in the desert. The only thing around him is a rock. Who is the man and what happened to him?
@TheKomputerGeek Oh oh I don’t know the first and second riddle, BUT, I do know the third riddle.
3. The man is superman and the rock is kriptonite… Am I right?
Icarax, you got the 2nd riddle right, and Be Fancy, you got the third riddle right… But nobody’s gotten the first riddle…
he tried to steal the bicycles, & he died from trying to carry them all?
Nope… OK… so, the Bicycles are playing cards. The man tried to cheat, and was killed (52 cards in a deck, he had 53)
TheKomputerGeek: lol…. but what killed what?
@Brad: is there going to be any chance of a report tommorow? and if so, console, or W3 reports?
DavisMouse: yep, who isnt bored!
@Brad: its 4 o clock, any chance AT ALL that we will have a report? please respond.
Will it be available in a disk format (UMD/DVD) or just on PSN and XBLA
So far, the only plans that have been made are for the XBLA and PSN. Why would they need to put it on a disc too?
;-( world3, postponed
@fairly i’d like to see more on those “sad pirates” that brad talked about earlier on the W3 report, i really wanna see more W3 reports because we were going on a roll there. lol
hey guys, patience is a virtue. i’m just grateful he hasn’t
dropped world 3 for the console version.
ICARAX: should i change my name to applepirate?
I’m on my laptop again
Poor thing had a virus but yeah it’s all fixed up now and I got to watch the video which I did enjoy.
I’m really chuffed about how well fancy pants is doing, and I can relate to Brad’s vision of wanting the game to be in a way… more personal, like you OWN IT, you can save your game play, and sit back and relax on the sofa and just play it and let yourself just absorb the world of fancypants man. That aspect of just being able to enjoy it in comfort on your TV is something that I find very appealing, and it definitely makes me wish I had a console…
but I don’t know if I’ll ever end up getting one. π you see they are expensive, I mean.. not for the people who have the money, but I’m already saving up for an expensive camcorder plus if my computer keeps on getting these serious viruses then it just means we’ll need to be shelling out more cash to keep getting it fixed. I dunno,-_- I tend to ramble on a lot, I’m not known for being very positive about stuff, but yeah I’m still happy for Brad, and I’m happy about world 3.
I’m so appreciative for all Brad’s hard work and effort, I mean he really is a great guy for giving us something so unique, smooth and generally just really awesomely fun to play. Just out of curiousity.. is the Fancy Pants Adventure game only going to be available on PS3 and XBLA or is it gonna be available for playstation and playstation 2 β THANK YOU, have a nice day π π