World 3 Report 3

Woot! We’re 3 for 3! This one went pretty well on the first go, so I didn’t have to redub this, hopefully it sounds a little more natural than the first 2, and hopefully that that’s actually a good thing.

A little less to show off in this one, I’m more looking for feedback this time around, so fire away!

(by feedback I mean what you think of everything in video, not new ideas, trust me I have too many ideas as it is :P)

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  1. FairlyObvious

    Good lord guys . . .

    and yes john2, Brad and I have had issues with you veering off-topic when we take the time to check our comments to see what other people say. Everyone does it but you manage to be consistent and rarely comment on what the post actually says.
    We don’t like any of our subscribers or readers to leave, but we do appreciate when people stay on the topic at hand.

    @DS closing comments would be a no go, we have people go back through other topics and comment. While we probably will start weeding through and deleting unnecessary comments (which I have done before) we wouldn’t close commenting altogether.

  2. hamcheese362

    oh, john just got pw3nd by fairly, OH NO! whatever Another ON TOPIC Question that no one seems to answer… what ever happened to that old CPG test file?

    the fight is heating up between john and the… rest of the… commentors! who will win?!?!?

  3. jesus_minime


    anyway. one thing about the gravity is the maximum gravity acceleration is too low in world 2, i wanted to know if you updated that. i would like to have some stuff that is REALLY hard to get to and the only way to get there is to jump from pretty much the TOP of the map and land on a ramp way lower down so that the speed is so insane that you jump like half the map! (might be good for a water level to you can jump over the lake/ocean and get all the way to a secret area that is other wise impossible to get to.)

  4. jesus_minime

    we’ve BEEN on topic, now could you please stop egging each other on, this is a place for feedback about brads new videos and stuff, not to sit here and fight about absolutely nothing. so (if you’re going to comment at all) please use words that will not offend other users, and have at least a SLIGHT relevance to the current topic.

  5. Hugh-Studios

    Oh my god, JM just shut… up… NAH jk we’re cool and thats what we’ve tried… heck did you see my comment a while ago? i tried to get back on topic and the hamcheese kid went off topic… again… LOSER…. lol when does it get to the point that FO or Brad start kicking fans? or deleting comments? cuz lol i think FO might be a little mad at some fans? maybe?

  6. Hugh-Studios

    yeah, i gotcha… for real.

    from now on i will put a smiley face in all if not every other comment….. 🙂

    but in all honesty lets get back on topic, any further off topic comments will be followed by either a smart a$$ remark by my of the comment might be deleted by FO…

  7. FoonySlugminni

    Truthfully, I don’t have much feedback. It seems like Brad is doing fine right now. His new animations are a huge improvement on the ones from World 2, even if they’re pretty similar, and I love the new momentum system. It really adds more reality and fluidity to the game, something that FPA has always been tailored toward, and should accentuate further. AND Brad has added new concepts with the levels’ branchiness, something I hoped and expected would be incorporated in World 3 when I saw it in ME2D. So really, Brad has done everything I thought he should do with the game… Even though I’m sure he can make it better by release time. 😉

    P.S. Hugh, you can’t edit a comment 10 minutes after you’ve posted it, probably why you couldn’t edit that last one.

  8. DaxterSpeed

    What I’d like to see next is probably some more art. The only real art we’ve seen is in the first report. And that was just amazing. I’d like to see a bit of more of the town.

    And Brad, will you have people stationed out in the town, that you’ll be able to talk to? It would make sense you know. And you could add a few bits of humor in the conversations.

    Also, the mayors house should be in there, and of course a sign that points towards the “fancy golf course”. 😉

  9. hamcheese362

    I’m not off topic, i’m asking about FPA3, so its on topic, youre the one posting for NO REASON. You know how hard it would be to make projectile weapons? CUZ I DONT! but it should be, desighning the angle…etc etc.
    @brad: brad can’t you just get to all the super secret platform by arial attack? cuz doesnt that serve as a double jump? O.o

  10. Hugh-Studios

    designing? lawl

    anyways… projectile weapons are an awesome idea xD

    but AERIAL attacks can only get you so far… then again i wouldn’t know… i havent played the game o…o but i do see your point.

    just thought of something… considering out incredible awesome W3 looks just from watching the vids… how awesome do you think W4 will be if brad ever does make it in 2011? off topic i know… so here is a prog-rep 3 related question: puzzles? like you have to stand on switches in a certain order to open some door? also combos are AWESOME o…o

    (also FO are you deleting comments? v.v omg sozz i feel as if its partly my fault, JM o..o)

  11. Brad

    Well, yeah, a few different sites have site-locked rebranding. TeaGames, CandyStand, MiniClip, a few others… ArmorGames has the primary sponsorship, so anything that’s not site locked has their logo in it.

  12. Brad

    Well you’re not going to start the game with the pencil, so I don’t think you’ll be able to perform all the moves right away either..

    If, then yes.

  13. hamcheese362

    k… personally i found no use for the squiggles in the other game exept to restore healt so why not opening a shop? and sell stuff like a pen to make ink, a sharpener… etc. BUT NOT A PAINTBRUSH! cuz…im…using a…paintbrush… and that place that you didnt know what to do with yet, i suggest making a treasure chest fillled with squiggles… or in the first place you showed us put the chest and in the second secret place, (the one with the floating wals :)connect all of the floating walls to the floor (if possible), and put an array of 4 doors (one in each pit); 3 leading to traps, such as FPM in a room with falling spiders or sumting and he has to get to the top to get out, you make up the rest… and 1 door leading to the bonus room…. 😛

  14. FairlyObvious

    Carrot Bubble
    03/28/2010 at 6:52 AM

    All the new features looks cool except for one – multiple paths in the level. The player will go through all of them anyway (to collect those grey spirals, or just to see what’s in there)
    It makes it a little annoying for the player when he has to return that many times (yes, he don’t have to, but he will anyway)
    I would think it over if I were you. Or if you really want to have it in there, don’t overdo it please.

    – Reposted from “Soooo”, I think it was accidentally posted there. =/

  15. FairlyObvious

    I like how everyone wants to know EVERYTHING that’s going to happen in World 3.
    There has to be some element of surprise guys =P Haha

  16. hamcheese362

    im talking about the little swirls you get to restore health… what where you refering to? brad how do you like personalize your blog like adding a header, side post,etc?

    Edit: add categories…i’m all so confused with this blog stuff O.o

    re-edit: k i found the categories…

  17. Brad

    Yeah I was thinking of some sort of rubber band slingshot thing, cartoon style, would be pretty funny as long as it didn’t take too long to use. I have to admit, cannoning into baddies would be pretty funny. Would love to redo that animation, too, after some practice drawing the explosions for Toy Tank Arena, heh.

    Well you’ve already seen all of the advanced moves for the pencil… I would rather not introduce all of that at once.

  18. Brad

    Well then I would just have to make sure there’s a way to save all your data across computers and sites, like ME2D…

    Yeah, just leaving everything in and not introducing them until later is an option, but I think that’s something I’ll have to play with.

  19. Hugh-Studios

    I think the idea of unlocking it is fun. Not getting the moves right away and having to actually play to earn them.

    @Brad: lol earlier i was talking about rubber bands as a projectile weapon ;P good idea aint it?

    @Jesus_minime: I DISAGREE COMPLETELY! Projectile weapons are awesome! If you already have EVERYTHING… then whats the point? If every game game you everything right away… well then the game is no fun at all! I think Brad’s idea of having things unlocked throughout the game is a good idea and it gives the player something to aim for, something to actually play for. If a game has no purpose then… is it a game? Well i guess… I mean if the game has no point then why play? If you get rid of the upgrades and give the player everything… wheres the fun at? Upgrades would not kill the game… just make the pencil even more AWESOME!…

  20. DaxterSpeed

    How are you supposed to make a flowing movement if you’ll have to stop and aim with a stupid weapon? BORING! I got overly bored just by reading those wall-jump lines in World 1.

    I’d say no to all projectile weapons that FPM can carry. Stand-alone turrets might be fun, and that canon in World 2 IS fun.

  21. jesus_minime

    face it HS, projectiles and fancy pants just don’t mix… fancy pants a about being fancy… not spending a whole crap load of time unlocking moves and guns. with the fancy pants adventure people don’t want to have to unlock MOVES, levels yes… but moves should be entirely based on how advanced of a player you are, NOT how many upgrades you’ve unlocked! sure some games are fun to unlock everything, but the thing about fancy pants… is its about being FANCY!! and being fancy takes skill, NOT skill upgrades. i want to be able to jump into playing the fancy pants adventure without having to worry about which moves I’ve unlocked and which one I haven’t, its just not fancy!!

  22. Hugh-Studios

    …Are you one of those people who complain when the game is too hard for them? like i said in my post a LONG time ago, it doest have to be a @#$%&!% GUN… ahh i give up, and you still can play the game, playing without achieving something isn’t worth it. People who are bad at games will complain that there shouldn’t be certain things (NO TIMER! NO UNLOCKABLES! NO UPGRADES! EVERYTHING SHOULD BE UNLOCKED FOR YOU!)(just like the people who are taking away dodge ball… because the kids who suck complain… THEN WHERE THE TRUCK IS THE FUN?!?! So far in W3 we see a lot of new moves (including swimming… AWESOME) and even the introduction to a new weapon, the pencil. Now the projectile weapon is only a thought, but used CORRECTLY in combo with the pencil, a player can run, shoot and finish off with the pencil!!! the projectile weapon doesnt have to be powerful, its just there for fun… just have a cross bow that shoots rubber bands or something, doesnt have to be a M16… that no fancy… that crazy awesome… but not in the world of FPM, anyways just sayin something like that in use with combo with the baddies who are already pretty easy to beat… it just makes if fun! now the pencil alone is great, i like the pencil because FPM wielding a 3 foot rapier… meh? but the pencil is more cartoon-y which makes it perfect for FPA! but a cartoon-y projectile weapon is still fun! Now the store is a great idea!!!!!! you can choose to buy stuff like upgrades… maybe climb a little higher during the wall run or something… and then there is the projectile weapon, you dont need it but its there only for FUN… that is… if Brad puts a store in the game

  23. electron

    Hmm, I like the idea of projectiles. Maybe there could be stationary enemy turrets, as well as other (also stationary) turrets that FPM could fire?
    Could aim like the cannon, but fire rubber bands or staples or whatever.
    That would actually be really fun. You’d probably end up with areas in which there are so many turrets that it’s impossible to get past unless you destroy some by shooting at ’em.
    Or you could have the normal cannon and have to launch yourself at them.

  24. Hugh-Studios

    Well is I said before, pencil + projectile = awesome combo if you can do it.. the thing is tho, JM, to many people would complain that the game would be to hard if its skill based… but lol does it take skill to go in and attack with the pencil? no… but say lol if Brad puts in like 10 baddies at once, use the projectile to knock em away and come down on em with a pencil…

    You guys face it… a small projectile weapon for FPM that does nothing but push the baddie away a bit is a good idea you ou can follow up with a combo from the pencil

  25. jesus_minime

    yeah, even adding the “a” key could have messed up the game if brad hadn’t done it right, adding another form of control would completely butcher the game.

    and about the moves, i still think the pencil itself should be an unlock-able, i just don’t think its advanced moves should be have to unlocked. you either know how to do them, or you don’t.
    I also think that having to go to a store (or something equally dumb) to get the pencil would screw it up too! you should to find it in a secret area, or even a main part of a level,
    also, to an extent, fancy pants has always been skill based.
    there has always been moves that you don’t really need in order to complete the game, such as the back-flip and double back-flip! you don’t ACTUALLY even need the slide or roll, but there in there anyway! fancy pants man doesn’t like just having necessary moves, the thing that makes FPA fun is just being fancy!!

  26. Pieman

    The pencil should be like the wall jumping in world 2, It shows you how to use the necessary things (if there are any) but any kind of special combo or jumping technique or any other extra stuff you figure out yourself. Just because there aren’t unlockables doesn’t mean that it’s all for nothing, it’s about actually getting better at the game and uncovering it’s secrets, which means that even after beating the game, there’s a lot more to do.

    Randomness: coke and pie are the meanings of life

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