Author: FairlyObvious

Ah rants . . .

Watching Brad play Resident Evil 6 Demo:

Fairly: At least his hair looks good.

Brad: His hair looks horrible!

Fairly: What are you talking about? His hair looks amazing!

Brad: No, look . . . adjusts camera . . . see the shadows? It’s horrible!

Fairly: Whatever, you aren’t a girl, you have no idea what you’re talking about!

[Brad: Leon’s hair was fabulous! (as it was in Resi4!) It was the shadowing that sucked :P]


Brad: Why am I even here? Look, she’s killing everyone for me. I’ll just stand here.

Fairly: You’re just supposed to stare at her. That’s the entire point.


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Fairly here, which means that posting anything under this post will not make sense if it’s directed at Brad 😉 (did that sentence make sense?)

What can I say? Welcome to motherhood for me. My gaming life has gone drastically downhill since having a son who apparently decides to break every single milestone ahead of time. At this rate maybe I can get him gaming by 12-18 months . . . hmmmm. He might break all of my Mario Kart high scores by age 2! Just kidding, I don’t have anything you could refer to as a “high score”, must keep up that feminine mystique or whatever.

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Lego City, First Impression

“Chase, Chase McCane”

“Chase McCane! You’re a legend!”

….. Well I’ve never heard of him! Hmph

By demand (from one person, I’m a pushover) I’m going to post my thoughts on this new Lego game. Disclaimer, I have only heard of the Lego games, I have never actually played one. It’s not because I thought they looked extremely childish (I’m all about extremely childish), they’ve just always been overshadowed by other games that have been released.

I do know that my cousin, Sarah, was a big fan of at least one of them. She’s a massive gamer, and one of the few opinions I’ll really listen to on gaming. She knows her stuff.

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Nintendo E3

Well, I was trying to figure out how best to word this post, but I couldn’t’ find a way so I’m just writing.

Despite the fact that Nintendo was fully introducing the Wii U at this point, they didn’t have too much to offer. There were so many other presentations after the big one that I was hoping there were a few surprises in store. Not so much. The roundtable seemed to focus most on Nintendoland and the 3DS presentation was basically a recap of the E3 presentation. I mean, REALLY?

You’d think that since they were naming something “Wii U” they might have a little motivation to do something spectacular with it. Nintendo just fell back on games that everyone KNEW were coming to Wii U (such as Mario, Nintendo = Mario) and offered nothing new for fans to drool over. All of the presentations were “safe”.

I was expecting something crazy like a new F-Zero or even an awesome third part addition like Professor Layton or Phoenix Wright. Shoot, they could have easily put Layton and Wright on the Wii U.

Oh! Or Mario Paint! F-Zero and Mario Paint were the two I was crossing my fingers for.

Trust me, with all of the potential retro games being brought back going through my head I was sorely disappointed with everything Nintendo brought forth.

Who knows, maybe they’ll surprise me later but the last two E3 presentations have been absolutely bland.

Someone mentioned Madden and FIFA in a comment on a previous post. While the new features may be cool, it’s still underwhelming. We all knew those would be announced, that doesn’t help the pain and disappointment I feel. 🙁

Btw I’ll make a post on the Lego games. While obviously geared more towards the younger crowd. The whole thing just has the potential to be very interesting, especially with the way the dialogue seems to be written.

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E3 Microsoft

Well guys. I would say that Trey Parker summed up Microsoft’s presentation nicely:

“How many times have you thought I want to watch this on my TV while listening to my mobile device which is being controlled by my tablet device which is hooked into my oven all while sitting in my refrigerator?”


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Fairly here!


It seems there’s a bit of confusion. Two people post on this blog: Brad and then me.

Anything posted under “Fairly’s Corner” will not involve Brad except for the occasional times I ask him to check my grammar.

For the record Brad is still alive, just very busy. He’ll probably post his opinions on E3 once it’s over.

So who is psyched for E3? I’m baking a cake! (I’m serious)

Comments Fairly here!


Hey guys!!! We are pleased to officially announce Brad’s partnership with EA to bring FPM to console!!!

Check out the new Facebook page for The Fancy Pants Adventures on consoles!

You can also follow us on Twitter!

Fixed the link
Sorry sometimes the link thing hates me! Haha

Edit, Edit: Hey guys just wanted to give a shout out to the creators of NyxQuest, Over the Top Games! They are truly an amazing team and we are SO happy to be working with them! Be sure to check out their site!

Over the Top Games


Halo Reach – Review by FairlyObvious

I was waiting forever for this game, FOREVER! After the beta I was nearly frothing at the mouth to get the game. I loved the new voting system online and I was very happy with the new weapons. It felt in general like I had more control over what I was playing and the game in general. The beta definitely helped my shooting skills too.

So, off the beta, to the game.
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Alice in Wonderland – DS


This was one of the games I borrowed while Brad and I were traveling. I was lucky enough to have someone offer to lend it to me while we were staying in this location which I will not slip up and expose. I can’t call this game a complete disappointment because I wasn’t expecting all too much out of it in the first place. Most games that are brought about because of a movie tend to fall short with the whole gaming experience. I do admire the decision to not stick strictly to the script (try to say that five times fast . . .) It’s basically a platformer with a bunch of puzzles thrown in and you have to use your characters strategically to manipulate the situation to your advantage.
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Iron Man 2

Better late then never, right guys?

There is only one thing that left me fearful in the Iron Man 2 movie, Scarlett Johannson. She was obviously chosen for her looks and not for her acting skills because Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts left Scarlett in the dust. I can only hope that she either ups her acting for the Avengers movie, or she just doesn’t talk at all during the movie. She does well as a pretty face and kind of a back character but she’s just such a flat actress. When she’s bantering with Tony Stark or Pepper Potts you just don’t FEEL anything. I wanted a witty, cocky, smart aleck chick, it’s just NOT there. There is no WAY she could be worried about upstaging the Pepper Potts character because . . . that just wouldn’t happen.
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Miles Edgeworth . . . TAKE THAT!!

So I finished playing Miles Edgeworth: Investigations (Nintendo DS) a little while ago. Brad bought it for me before we headed up to GDC, to provide myself with some entertainment. I’m a huge Phoenix Wright/Apollo Justice fan so I was extremely excited to get this game. At first I was disappointed because I thought that they’d ripped out the audio whenever Miles Edgeworth said “Objection!” or “Take that!” or “Hold it!” then I realized that apparently my headphones just weren’t picking it up. Lucky for the game otherwise I would have given it a straight 0/10 and counted my losses . . . Well maybe more of a 8/10 maybe, I mean if you’ve played the Phoenix Wright games you know that the audio makes the game.

Anyway, the game.
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The World Ends With You

This game made up for my disappointment with Spirit Tracks. Brad has been trying to get me to play this game for a while now, but I always found another game to play instead. I finally relented and I will never regret it. Sadly, this game was a limited release and not heavily advertised. Sounds reminiscent of . . . let’s see . . . Okami?
I will not say I put this game up on the same pedestal as Okami, but it’s definitely one of my FAVORITE DS games.

Forewarning, this game does have a bit of language in it. Not harsh language, but I’m not suggesting this for anyone under the age of . . . 12? It’s mild language, I don’t know how ratings go nowadays, they’ve become a bit less strict since I was young. Sooo I’m going by MY experience, because I’m a genius and all. (right . . . ) Anyway! Back to the game!
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Question . . .


Sorry for being so absent as of late; with removing wallpaper and painting + refinishing floors my time has been limited. Please do not be angry with me *whimper*

I just wanted to ask all of you a question, please answer in any way you see fit (rant, outlined format, etc). Brad and I are attending GDC this year and there is a panel that’s addressing “Are Girls the New Hardcore Gamers?” Brad has issues, as do I, with the term “hardcore.” I, personally, do not consider myself a hardcore gamer. I lean more towards the retro historical aspect of games and most of my experiences are directly effected by my previous experiences. I do not sit down and for five hours straight perfect my Halo technique, although I believe L4D2 and Uncharted 2 could potentially suck me in rather easily (one of the reasons I’m afraid to start playing them, hah)

So what do you consider “hardcore”?
AND do you believe that people tend to be more loose on the application of the term “hardcore” when it comes to girls?
Don’t be worried about making comments “too long” I really want to know what y’all think.
(and please don’t be worried about offending me)
Thx guys =)

Edit: Love the comments, I have another question to add on inspired by the comments. Are you more likely to avoid going after someone who identifies herself as female (to go easy on her in a fight), have you seen this happen?

It would make a bit of sense, I know that I had to knock a few males down before they took me seriously in different male dominated pastimes. However, I had a tendency to go easier when I was playing against girls because I was afraid I’d hurt them.


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