A New World

Hey guys, Brad finally here! Been wanting to post some art for awhile, there was supposed to be something for New Years but I ended up liking it more than I thought I would and spent too much time on it, heh (though part of it ended up as a cover photo).

I picked up an iPad Pro and have been able to finally draw and work on the game away from my desk, which is far better for the more creative stage of the project. Took a bit of time to adjust to a new workflow, but it definitely helps when I want to, say, drop new images with hints and such for you guys 😉

Got a lot more coming soon, so stay tuned!

Comments A New World

I Promise…

… this is relevant to your interest.

I’ve mentioned this offhand on the forum, but I wanted to bring it here. I’ve taken over @runfastrunfancy on Twitter and also The Fancy Pants Adventures on Facebook.

All of you here on the site know that Brad and I really love tailoring what we do to what the fans like to see so I wanted to bring this to all of you.

What is it you want to see here? On social media?

Do you prefer videos, images, bullet point outlines, or maybe random pictures of cats? Do you like constant updates when we mention the little things changing or for us to just wait until we have bigger, more substantial news?

Honest feedback is really appreciated guys. I don’t want to post useless information or spam your inbox or twitter/facebook feeds (although they hide stuff pretty darn well unless you pay, jerks).

Look forward to hearing from you!

– Fairly


Comments I Promise…

Still here

Hey guys!

Totally know I’m not the one y’all want to hear from now since, well, I’m not Brad. I got a comment on my last post and realized we hadn’t had a post since AUGUST! Eeeegh!

In this case the lack of posts is a good thing because Brad is busy busy! What is he working on? We should be able to reveal that soon 😉


stay tuned!

Comments Still here

So Hey

Hey guys, I’m not sure if any of those still lurking will know who I am. I know I’ve been MIA for quite a few years, decided to post something. I’ve reenrolled in school (for classical vocal performance) and am currently chasing 3 kids around so my time is very little. What’s not spent wrangling kids I spend analyzing music.

My last Music History class we were told to list who we felt were some of the most influential composers of this century. I went a bit outside the usual genres and listed Koji Kondo. We were asked to list a specific work and then note why we felt it was significant. I listed Ocarina of Time (of course, if you read any of my previous posts you know my love for this game). This is what I wrote . . .  Continue So Hey

Comments So Hey

Remix Bugs and Let’s Play popup bombing

I’m keeping the Remix and World 4 code bases unified, which means everyone gets gets to play any improvements to the core of the game sooner, but there’s also a good chance that I’ll end up breaking things in the Remix. Thankfully, TheEndExplorer helped make sure everything was ship-shaped for his let’s play, so I think you guys should check out his run though of the Remix:

I absolutely love watching other people play my games, especially when they can do a skilled run. Oh and I totally ruin his video at 10:25 because lololololololol 😎

One of my priorities for World 4 is to make it more fun to watch, so I hope to see even more let’s plays in the future!

Comments Remix Bugs and Let’s Play popup bombing

April Fools duh

Bwaha, April Fools! World 4 won’t be a stupid one button runner after all!

Hope I wasn’t really fooling anyone with that one. I mean, I don’t automatically hate all one button runners (Tiny Wings is pretty fantastic, for instance), but I think that genre’s been beaten into the ground already. Just pains me to see what is almost literally an interface straight of out science fiction being used one giant button.

I just don’t see a point, anything that can be done with only a jump button can be done better with full controls. Come on, guys, respect your players! I’d like to think that mobile gamers aren’t all complete idiots solely there to squeeze money out of.

With World 4 I want to prove that a ‘mobile’ platformer doesn’t need to be riddled with compromises. No barely animated ball characters, no loss of control, no waiting, no paying your way around game content. World 4 will be more pick-up-and-play friendly, more accessible, more fast-paced, and hopefully more compelling than ever, without stripping the controls or wasting your time.

Guess that fulfills my daily rant about mobile gaming!

Anyways, as you’ve seen in the previous joke video, I’ve been working on some new features to make platforming in World 4 the most interesting yet. The goal is to capture the flow and fast-paced nature of one button runners, without compromise.

First up: Grind rails! World 4 will focus more on parkour in general, and grind rails somehow make sense to me (Though Soaps + parkour doesn’t seem to really be a thing? Baffling.) Would have uploaded something yesterday, but I figured I could finish the new wall jump and show that off too.


Tune in tomorrow to check out ink boarding! (some good guesses on what that is so far)

– Brad

Comments April Fools duh

Announcing Flappy Pants Stupid One Button Infinite Runner Joyride Chronicles!

Whelp, since Flappy Bird was downloaded slightly more times than Fancy Snowboarding (approximately eleventy billion if my math is correct) so to claim my much deserved cashy money, World 4 will be reengineered into yet another One Button Infinite Runner that the gaming populous clearly has an insatiable appetite for!


MMMMM! Betcha can’t wait to mash your meaty digits all over your science fiction device of choice to cause your character to jump… and nothing else! Muwhahahaha!

Comments Announcing Flappy Pants Stupid One Button Infinite Runner Joyride Chronicles!

Fancy Snowboarding Update

Fancy Snowboarding is now up on Kongregate, along with a new update on BorneGames.com.

Update: Also up on Newgrounds.com, gimme your votes!

It would really help out if everyone could hop over to Kong and give it an honest rating.

Ah, speaking of which, what would REALLY help us out is if anyone who’s purchased the App Store version could rate it fairly.

As for the update, each level now has 3 different stars that are earned by setting low times. Let me know how the difficulty is on those, getting the stars on a level should be pretty brutal 😎

Also, if you’ve purchased a Fancy Key or better from the World 1 Remix on Kong, you’ll be able to play the full game over there, as promised. I’ll be adding the same functionality to my site, hopefully tomorrow.

And if you’re feeling super kind and generous and generally awesome, please consider leaving an honest review on the App Store, it would really help raise visibility on the game over there.

Better go play while it’s still winter! :woot:

Comments Fancy Snowboarding Update

Fancy Snowboarding Demo!

Merry Christmas!

The plan was to launch the Flash version of Fancy Snowboarding once the iOS version hit the App Store, but the game got rejected because of a single wrong setting (Merry Christmas to me? 🙁 )

But since it’s Christmas, here’s a demo in the meantime, just promise me you’ll check back after New Years!


Oh, and of course…

More Muppets? More Muppets!

Comments Fancy Snowboarding Demo!

Fancy Snowboarding Teaser

Quick Update:

So the game should have been out already on the app store, but got rejected on its first review because of a setting Scaleform left on by default that has no reason to be on (UUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH).

So yeah, guess we’ll see how things go.


Where the heck have I been lately??

Making you guys a game for Christmas, obviously!

Snow Fancy

Comments Fancy Snowboarding Teaser

World 4 Combat

Combat is going to have a much larger role in World 4, so it has to be really, really good!

What do you think of the new up swing attack?

Up Heavy Attack!

Now you can do a golf swing wherever you want, not just at the beginning of World 2!

But I’m sure you want to try it out for yourself, so stay tuned!

Comments World 4 Combat

Nefarious Final Notice!

There’s just a handful of hours left on the Nefarious Kickstarter, we’ve seeing a good surge of support near the end, but we still could use your help. Remember, I’m doing character animations and game design, so if you’d like to see more of my work in a console level game, please consider supporting!

Remember, you’re only charged if the goal is met, so there’s no risk on your end.

Thanks again, everyone!

Comments Nefarious Final Notice!

Introducing Nefarious!


Meet Crow, professional villain and star of the upcoming PC, Mac, and Wii U game: Nefarious.

You play as the bad guy and kidnap princesses, which is just as awesome as it sounds, and I’ll be doing animation and game design. I’ve been wanting to work with a team on a new game and focus on animation and design, instead of having to program the whole thing myself, but we need your help!


Check out the Kickstarter page, we have a great group of guys working on the game, we just need your support!


A preview of my animation combined Josh Hano’s artwork:


View high quality on YouTube

Thanks everyone, I’ll keep you updated!

Comments Introducing Nefarious!

New Bonus Room for Remix Level 5!

Now available to all Keyholders, Bonus 1 has been added to Level 5 in progress in the World 1 Remix! Just go through the Extras door in from the Remix, if you’ve been through the level recently, you’ll know where the bonus door is.

Screen Shot 2014-07-03 at 7.31.14 PM

I thought it was a good opportunity to use some of the new engine features built for World 4, to keep things interesting.

Level 5 is under construction and available to everyone who’s bought a Key, on Borne Games or Kongregate, and will be available to everyone once it’s finished.

Comments New Bonus Room for Remix Level 5!